Branding themselves ‘The Augmentists’, Scarlett Raven and Marc Marot are acknowledged to be amongst the world’s first augmented reality fine artists. Deconstructing the process of painting, their work appears conventional on the surface but hides an alternative dimension. The duo pit past against present, reframing history and classic painting techniques through the increasingly magical lens of 21st century technology. Marc explains: “Our work is highly emotionally-charged, and its power lies in allowing our audience to immerse themselves in very powerful feelings. The application of augmented reality facilitates the introduction of powerful multimedia. We add poetry, stories, letters, diary entries, music and photography to the beautiful stop-motion
animations created by Scarlett. It takes the audience out of the here and now.”
To unlock the multiple layers in Scarlett’s work, download the free Blippar or Artivive app through the iOS app store or Google Play Store for Android, then simply scan the art. By digitally stripping away the countless layers of paint, you’ll reveal the creative journey beneath and see the Great War reimagined. Try it for yourself!
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