Scarlett Raven | The Danger Tree 2018 - Belfast


On 1st July 2016, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the start of the Battle of the Somme, The Danger Tree opened in Greenwich. With the help of the award- winning film set designer Kave Quinn, a 2,500 sq. ft. unit was transformed into a blown-out building from the French/ Belgian borders of 1916. As the sound of heavy artillery fire blasted in the distance, viewers stepped through the rubble and barbed wire of the shattered shopfront and were transported 100 years back in time to a war-ravaged Flanders village. Hanging silently on the walls were 10 paintings, each beautifully lit and inviting the audience to enter beneath the canvas through the augmented reality world created by Scarlett Raven and Marc Marot. Concealing a dazzling array of animation, film and poetry – narrated by actors such

as Stephen Graham and Vicky McClure – the artworks uncovered the stories of those who fought for our freedom. After a critically and commercially successful exhibition, The Danger Tree was showcased at Liverpool’s Martin Luther King Jnr Building and Manchester Central Library to mark the end of the Battle of the Somme and World War One respectively. To date, The Danger Tree has touched the hearts and minds of thousands of people. Transcending age, race and background, the provocative exhibition speaks to everyone. A selection of the 4,000-strong messages of appreciation and remembrance from the visitors’ books can be seen on the back pages of this brochure.

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