November 1943
Poems Story
In Coming Issues I LIVED SEVENTY MILES FROM THE JAPANESE LINES—By Charles A. Roberts. Here is a magnificent ac count of invasion and evangelism in suffering China. Read about it in next month's issue. THE BIBLE AND SCIENCE—By O. E. Sanden. Member of the American Association for the Advancement of of Science, this Phi Beta Kappa man has a down-to-earth style that has clarified Bible truth for hundreds of young people. WHAT AN ARMY DOCTOR SEES—By a member of the U. S. Medical Corps. The author of this series is an out standing Christian, a graduate of Harvard Medical School, trained in neuro psychiatry. His first article is a story thrillingly told: 'The Pneu monia Patient with 'Heart' Trouble." • . OUT OF BORNEO—By J. Arthur Mouw. With every way seemingly blocked, this missionary family escaped mi raculously from a land of many miracles. • REVIVAL IN THE MacARTHUR COUN TRY—By John R. Turnbull. Fellow of the Royal Geographic Society, the author has penetrated wilds that other men never have seen. • STUDIES IN THE GOSPEL OF MARK —By E. Schuyler English. A Bible student writes special help on the • International Sunday-school Lessons which center in this Gospel in com ing months. • THE UNKNOWN CHRIST—By Vance Havner. The whimsical Southerner .has some pointed things to say.
Meditation Pantomime
Free—With the King's Business
y | R ak ing its title from a delight ful story, “ God’s Trees,” this A beautifully illustrated 32-page book has a heart appeal for both chil dren and adults. You will use the story in your own family circle, in Christmas programs, and for the stimulation to faith that your adult heart Craves. The pantomime, “dome at Christmas,” with its family scenes and wartime setting, is reprinted in the book by urgent public request. And the in dividual poems in the book are each one a gem. The Kins’s Business, SS8 South Hope St. Los Anseles 13, Calil. Please send THE KING’S BUSINESS for one year to: N am e ....................................... ........................... . Address................................................................... . Send Christmas book, “ God’s Trees,” free to: Name.«....,.................................... .................... Address............................................
This Christmas treasury of inspira tion will be sent FREE with each new or renewal subscription to THE KING’S BUSINESS at $1.00.* You may desig nate that the subscription is to begin with the Christmas or New Year issue, if you wish. Book and subscription will be sent to separate addresses if desired. Gift card sent if requested. It is not too early to place your or der now. In compliance with govern ment regulations, we cannot print more than will be needed at once. Send in your order TODAY. Send.»....... ......copies of the book atone (at 25 cents each) to: N am e........»................'......................................., Address............................................................. Amount enefosed $................... S ender Address..............................................................
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QUESTION BOX—By Louis T. Talbot. Answers are given to perplexing questions that readers send in.
All these in addition to the regular departments.
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