King's Business - 1943-11


November 1943

S E L L IN G FA S T E R TH A N EV ER ! Sugar Creek Gang books are moving thousands of children toward Christ! How the boys and girls love them— and ask for more! ORDER NOW!

can help us to do what God wants. (To t h e teacher: Keep in mind that _____ the o b e y i n g - of 9 1 God’s laws is not

Seventh in the Series of The Sugar Creek Gang Stories "MYSTERY AT SUGAR CREEK" by PAUL HUTCHENS


P g _________ - 5-Division Kk,

“what makes Chris­ tians.” Only trust in the Lord -Jesus Christ will do that.) APPROACH: Har­

Christian parents and educators everywhere appreciate the natural, unsophisticated and almost naive way the author has injected a Christian atmosphere in this series of truc-to-life adventure stories for hoys and girls . . . In this newest thriller about the Sugar Creek Gang, there is a midnight journey through a mysterious cave, tw.O green eyes that shine in the dark, a fugitive from justice. The climax is reached when the boys discover a man’s head lying in the swamp not far from the entrance to the cave . . . After that . . . 88 pages, illustrated cover, price 60c.

old wanted “to make a boat. His father gave him the parts for it and a book to tell him how to do the work. Soon Harold could say all the rules that were in the book,. But that did not build his boat. He needed some one strong to help him. LESSON STORY: Once, when the Lord Jesus was here on earth, a man came, to Him who knew a great many rules about how to live as a Christian should. He wanted to know what some of the rules meant. The man was a scribe, or a writer. “Which is the first [or most impor­ tant] commandment of all?” he asked Jesus. This man probably could say the Ten Commandments without making any mistake. The Lord Jesus wanted, him to understand their meaning, so He said something like this: “My friend, the answer is in one little word, ‘L-o-v-e.’ You must love God with all your heart—more than you love anybody else. And you must love other people in the same way that God loves you.” Perhaps the Lord Jesus waited very quietly after Hè said that, and per­ haps He asked softly, as He looked right into the man’s heart, “Do you love God? Do you love other people in the way God wants you to do?” Thè man knew he didn’t, and ònly the Lord Jesus could help. him. If he would trust in Jesus with all his heart, the two of them would work together —and how happy the man would be then! Trusting in the Lord Jesus will make us happy, too. Object Lesson A N e w L if e a n d a N e w L ove OBJECTS: Four large darning nee­ dles, and a large magnet. (Cover the magnet with white paper and paste a red cross on the side. Before the les­ son, allow two of the needles to be­ come magnetized through contacting each of the prongs of the magnet. Let

All seven titles in the Sugar Creek Gang series, post-paid, only J4.00. Ideal gifts for that growing boy or girl m your home or class. Order TODAY. Enclose money or request C.O.D. shipment; plus postage. Ask for FREE illustrated list of 14 additional Christian novels by the sam e auther. Paul Hutche As, author, will autograph all copies ordered from SUGAR CREEK BOOK ROOM Box 717 WATERLOO, IOWA the two needles touch each other in the contact.)

Cheeksa/traysss ontime/ What a blessing to know I

LESSON: Can you tell by looking at these needles which two are like Christians and which are like un­ saved people? By just looking at them separately it is impossible to tell, but you can tell when you see how they behave toward each other. When you see how they act, you will have no difficulty in telling which are like Christians. The first two cling togeth­ er. They appear to love each other. What do you think could be the rea­ son for their unusual attraction for each other? “They have become magnetized? You are right. They were once as lifeless as these other needles. The contact with this magnet changed them. The magnet is white and has a red cross on the side, reminding us of the Lord Jesus Christ. When a per­ son comes to Him, and accepts Him as Saviour, that person has an entirely different attitude toward others! Now these needles remind us of Christians. They are like Christians who cap obey the command of Christ when He said, “ A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another” (John 13:34). These other needles remind us of unsaved people. Notice, they have no attraction for each other. They are cold and lifeless. They are like peo­ ple, who, not having come to Christ as Saviour, think it is very strange that Christians have such love and at­ traction for each other, f Perhaps there are those here this morning who have never accepted Christ as Saviour, and who conse­ quently do not love God’s people. Would you like to take Christ as your Saviour? You will then have the joy of knowing your sins are forgiven, and also you will have a real love for others.

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