King's Business - 1943-11


November 1943

of the Lord Jesus1Christ in John 14:9. 3. "Being made so much better than the angels" (.v. 4). The distinction be­ tween Christ and the angels should be noted. In New Testament days, the Gnostics Held Christ to be of the same order as the angels. To be sure, He was to them the highest of the angels, but no more than that. This error has been in evidence also in modern days. The Russellites, or Je­ hovah’s Witnesses, assert that “Our Redeemer existed as •a spirit before he was made flesh and dwelt among men. . . . As chief of the angels and next to the Father, he was known as the archangel (highest angel or mes­ senger), whose name, Michael, signi­ fies ‘Who as' God’ or God’s represen­ tative.” (Russell: Studies in the Scrip­ tures, Series 5, p. 84). But Christ is no angel.. Angels are created beings. Chris): is the uncreated Son of God. All the angels are expected to wor­ ship Him (cf. v. 6). Christ receives worship. He is better than the angels in every ,way, but in this passage the

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in name, in nature, in place, in sov­ ereignty, in righteousness, in appoint- ment, and in work. No ángel, however great and pure, could match the ab­ solute perfection found in Christ. TTT. T h e R ig h t e o u s n e s s o f C h r is t (Rom. 10:4-10) Christ is the end, and completion, and perfection, of the law,« whether ceremonial or moral. He is such for all who believe. Hence there is noth­ ing in any trusting Christian that the law can condemn, because the perfect righteousness of Christ under the law has been imputed to each believer. Christ’s perfection, and the right­ eousness it glorifies, become the royal possessions of all believers the mo­ ment they are accepted by faith. No one can imitate Christ, but any indi­ vidual may welcome Him into the heart by simple faith, and by open acknowledgment that the Christ who died and rose again is both Saviour and Lord. Thus the faith in the heart and the testimony with the mouth manifest that one is born of God, and that he possesses the perfect right­ eousness of Christ. In Christ, and in the believer in Christ, all the law is found fulfilled, to the glory of God. Points and Problems 1. "Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son"

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