TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
there offering their gifts, are without Scriptural foundation. Jesus was born in Bethlehem, where the One to occupy David’s throne should be born. David was born there (cf. Ruth 1:1; 4:18-22; 1 Sam. 16:1), and there the prophet said" David’s greater Son would be born (Micah 5:2). Thus the visit of the wise men was in fulfillment of the word of the Lord spoken centuries before. Jerusalem, was called “the city of the great Ring.’’ Naturally, it was to that* city that the wise men went, expecting to find there “the great king.’” They were seeking One “born King of the Jews.” The man who was then on the throne had rights, but here were men seeking One who had “birth rights” tp the throne of David. II. T h e V a r ie d R e c e p t io n o f t h e G if t (3-8) On the part of Herod, the ruling power, God’s Gift was received With fear and hatred. His was a hatred filled with the subtlety of Satan. Herod was “troubled” at the report that men were present seeking a king having certain birth rights. He sent for the wise men among the Jews and asked what they knew of such a king. Learn ing from them that the One they sought should be born at Bethlehem, he sent them there to find whether such a child had been born. He de sired the information, he said, in or der that he might worship Him, but in THE BETHEL MISSION of Eastern Europe, Inc. Founded by Rev. and Mi*. Leon I. Rosenberg Headquarter*: 252 N. Dillon St,
reality it was that he might murder Him. He was careful to give his in structions privately. Perhaps he was fearful of an uprising among the peo ple to whom the “king” had been born. Herod’s reception portrays likewise the world’s reception of the love gift of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. On the part of the religious lead ers, the Gift was received With indif ference and Superciliousness.^ They knew what the prophets had said, and they could glibly quote those prophets, but they refused to allow the prophetic writings to affect their lives and ac tions. TCiey illustrate the word, “The letter killeth,” because they were con demned by the very knowledge that could have given them life. ’ All this illustrates the way Christ is received by niany now. People who pride themselves on being religious kftow a great deal about Christ and can learnedly discuss Him and His teachings. But they refuse to be moved in life and conduct by this Gift from God. Gn the part of earnest seekers for the truth, the Gift was received with humility and faith. Thus must Christ be received today. The wise men un dertook a long, hard, costly journey In order to find and worship the Gift of God, who was “born King of the Jews.” Their hearts were satisfied. III. T he E x p e r ie n c e o f t h e G if t (9, 10) As the wise men departed from Herod’s presence, they saw again the star they had seen months before, and it pijesently stood over the place where the young Child was. As the seekers followed the light they had, they re ceived more light, which is always the method by which God is pleased to lead His people. Perhaps the wise men had been confused by the attitude of the chief priests, and perhaps suspicious of Herod. They needed the added guid ance which was granted them in or der to help them find the child Jesus. That star: w r s no ordinary star. It was a miraculous appearance at a set time, for a set purpose, and has dis appeared forever. It was one of God’s methods by which He would give His Gift of Love to this world. Have the members of your class received Him? Points and Problems 1. "Behold, there came wise -men" (v. 1). Who were these men? The Greek word Is Magi. That, name ap pears in Jeremiah 39:3, 13 in the name Rab-mag, “The chief of the Magi.” Magi is the name by which in ancient times a large class of people, who were occupied with things mysterious, were known. Among the Persians and
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Mrs. Rosenberg with a group
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Los Angeles 25, Calif. — 'J, '* ,ne«dle«» to review the appalling ordeala which the
¿ S f lJ ia h V m ^ S d "women1S i o“ h%telo '‘ dnd' ’ * trafledy that ” ** br0Uflht lib !!" S l U t e Athi,?eTw f ° “ Hlt,er 3nd n° P0W8r ln th8 world w»l ever be fiOD'S PROMISE— “Their Redeemer llveth. He will truly plead their cause." . » o r , „ „ “ Praise ye, and say, O Lord, save thy people“ (Jer. 31:7). “ Ifve^e^hem tdoae!rt-er(Mk.^?37).Beh0'd’ thy sa,vatlon cometh” <'**• « « fi* . THE COMPASSIONATE LOVE OF CHRIST FOR ISRAEL— Ul « tfv lt!U Pwfth'%mLrnoT rHcEL;t MISSI0N «¡WT °n It. gospeTanr.ararUa'n tyranny. W th z na results among the afflicted Jews In spite of Nazi f f t t . I Underuth®supervlalon of Mr*. Rosenberg, the BETH - drenMca? nnNw lhla an orphanage and also a home for other destitute chil- dren, caring for their spiritual, physical and material welfare. and MISSION is thankful to God for the open door » J -™ f° r the cooperation of Christian friends who, with sympathetic w0rk He^D Is idm 'inllt^rf 9h 1 possible t0 car,ry on this great ancMmportant work. Help is administered by our representatives In Sweden and Switzerland. THE BETHEL WITNESS with current news from the Mission field is freely sent to every friend by addressing a postcard to the headquarters.
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