November 1943
News Flash/ Second New York Congress On Prophecy and the Jews Calvary Baptist Church New York City DECEMBER 5-12, 1943 Another New York Congress! With thanksgiving and joy, we • announce the SECOND NEW YORK CONGRESS ON PROPH ECY AND THE JEWS to be held at the Calvary Baptist Church of New York City, Dr. William Ward Ayer, Pastor. We are to consider the prob lems of the Jews after Hitler is removed from the stage, the re turn to the Promised Land, the gathering clouds of Armageddon, the line-up of the End-time Na tions. The opportunities, the needs, the destitution, the fam ine for God’s Word—these things will challenge every fibre of our being and of our resources. Among the speakers already scheduled are the following na tionally kno\yn Bible teachers and pastors:. Rev. William Ward Ayer, D.D.; Rev. John W. Brad bury, D.D.; Rev. C. G o r d o n Brownville, D.D.; Rev. Herman B. Centz; Rev. Lewis Sperry Chafer, D.D.; Rev. Joseph Hoff man Cohn, D.D.; Rev, Charles L. Feinbfrg, Th.D.; Rev. Howard Ferrin, D.D.; Rev. L. E. McNair, D.D.; Rev. J. Palmer Muntz, D.D.; Rev. W. H. Rogers, D.D.; Rev. L. Sale-Harrison, D.D.; Rev. John F. Walvoord, D.D.,- Th.D.; Rev. L L. Yearby, D.D.; Rev. Samuel M. Zwemer, D.D. Come to the Feast! Come ex pecting great things of God. Come in earnest, believing pray er that He will meet you and bless you. Come with a heart open for God’s Truth for these darkening hours of a closing age.
The Official Organ of THE BIBEE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Inc. "XJnto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood** (Rev, 1:5), THE KING'S BUSINESS vt,xulv
The True-to-the-Bihle Family Magasine TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Photograph by Harold M. Lambert
Building It Anew — Debt Free....;_____ „ _______________ _____ ___ ________.402 Around the King’s Table — Louis T . Talbot ___________ ______ ___ ______....403 Significance of the News — Dan Gilbert ............. .................................... .......... 404 Thanks to God in a Japanese Prison — Bruce F. Hunt... ................................ 406 Themes for Thanksgiving —Arthur Hedley......... ____....________ ............. 407 “ O. K., Sir!” ........:___ i...................................................................,...___________ 410 Dr. Talbot’s Question Box....,.:........._____________ ____ __________ :................411 Are American Young People “ Gospel Hardened ” ?— LaVose A . Wallin ___ 412 Junior King’s Business —Martha S. Hooker. ____________________________415 International Lesson Commentary________,____ _ _________________________ „417 Bible Institute Family Circle..................................................... ............................429 Notes on Christian Endeavor —Sarah LeTourneau, Harold A. Johanson, Margaret J. Hart, Herbert R. Bruce ____ ______ ____...____ ____ ...........430 Daily Devotional« Readings_________ _________________ , ____ ....________435 Our Literature Table...'___________________ ____ ......____ ______ _______ _____ 438 SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — “ The King’s Business’* is published monthly: $1.00, one y r.; $1.50, two yrs.; 50 cents, six months; 10 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. W rite for details. Canadian and for eign subscriptions 25 cents extra. It requires one mbnth for a change o f ad dress to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REM ITTANCE —Payable dn advance, should be made by bank draft* express o For detailed program information, concerning 7 hotel accommodations, etc., address American Board of Missions To the Jews, Inc. 31 Throop Avenue Brooklyn 6, H.Y. 39 King William Street Hamilton, Ontario Canada .
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