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like to know about the presents that the Baby Jesus received? fesSON STORY: He was a tiny Baby, lying on a bed of straw, but He was God’s own wonderful Son. For His birthday, God made one special star to shine in the sky. Men who were called “wise men” saw the birth day star. They knew it meant some thing important, but they did not know what it was. These men must have been happy and excited as they climbed on the big, tall camels like those that most people rode in those days, and started on their trip to find out about the star. They went to the big city of Jerusalem. But the Lord Jesus was not there, and the wise men were disappointed. The wicked king, Herod, was in the big city, and he heard about the wise men. He found out that the Bible said the Lord Jesus was to be born in Bethlehem, so he said some thing like this: “You go there and find Him, and then tell me where He is.” Bumpety, bump, bump, bump: the men began another long trip. All at once—there was the birthday star again! God had let it shine once more. The wise men went along in the wa y .it was leading them, and when it stood still, they were right in front of the house where the Lord Jesus was. Going inside, the men knelt down and bowed their heads. The first man gave his gift to Jesus; it was some shining gold. All the other men gave their presents to Jesus —-spices and perfume and very ex pensive’ things. Of all the gifts they could give to the Lord Jesus, the best were their own loving hearts. King Herod did not love the Lord Jesus, so the wise men did not tell him where He was. Have you given to Jesus the gift He likes best? Object Lesson L osing and ' L earning OBJECTS: A silver star, a red card board cross, a purse, a watch, a ring, and a page from a newspaper show ing the lost and found advertisements.
(The red cross should be small enough to be concealed behind the silver star. With a piece of transparent tape hinge the top of the cross to the bottom of the star, where it can be dropped into position beneath the star at the de sired time. Print the word •“ GUID ANCE” on the star.) LESSON: Did you ever read the lost and found advertisements in the newspaper? They are quite interest ing. In looking at this paper I found that a woman has lost a purse. She wants to get it back and offers a re ward. A man has lost his watch. He, too, wants it returned and is offering a liberal reward. A girl has lost a ring—a gift from her parents. She is willing to pay for its return. Many people are willing to pay for the return of valuable possessions, but there are some things which cannot be returned for the 'payment of a reward. Wl>at do you think is the most val uable thing a person can lose? “Home.” Most people would agree with you, but I have something this morning which is of more value than a home. Here it is—the star of God’s guidance. You will remember how the wise men from the'east lost the star which was guiding them tp Christ, when they came near Jerusalem. They realized that this was the greatest loss they had ever' experienced, and they were very. sad. They let it be known that they had lost the star of guidance. Herod and all Jerusalem were trou bled because of the wise men. The chief priests and scribes-read in the Scriptures that the King was to be born in the city of Bethlehem. When the wise men learned this and left Jerusalem, going toward Bethle hem, they found the star which led them to Christ We will drop this red cross from behind the star to show you whom the wise men found by following the star of God’s guidance, t They were led to the Lord Jesus. • . Some, today, have lost the guidance of God, and are doing little or noth ing about it. They should find from the Scriptures as did the wise men of old, the place where Christ may be found, and journey on until they re ceive Him as Saviour in their lives.
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perintendent, one copy of ‘God’s Loving Money Rule for Your F i nancial Prosperity’ for each family in his congregation providing he will agree to give a talk on Tithing before distribu tion. Write stating denomination and number of leaflets desired to TITHER, 71OK Title Insurance Bldg. Les Angeles 13, California
A new movable, realistic, picture method of tell ing Bible stories or preaching illustrated sermons. Holds your class spellbound. Discipline problems solved. Give it a try in your class. You’ll be surprised at the results. Children want to learn and they clamour for this new way of presenting Bible truths. You will double your attendance. Write for free folder telling all about this new method of teaching to—
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