November 1943
To Pfc. ' Henry .W. and Mrs. Isaac (Margaret Kliewer, ’35), a son, Edward Winfield, Sept. 7, Bakersfield, Calif. To Max and Mrs. Johnson, a daugh ter, Carol Ann, Sept. 2, Seattle, Wash. To Pfc. George and Mrs. MacDougall (Florence Carlson, ’38), a daughter, Lorna Rose, August 27, New Haven, Conn. To Dean (’41) and Mrs. Nauman (Nancy Myers, ’42) a daughter, Rae Deane, Oct. 5, Los Angeles, Calif. . To Lt. (j.g.) John W. and Mrs. New man (Idella Sieben, ’29), a son, John Floyd, Sept. 15, San Diego, Calif. To Pvt. James F. and Mrs. Yoder (Alta Plaugher) a son, Daniel James, j, Sept. 7, Ft. Dix, N. J. With the Lord On Sept. 10, the Lord gathered unto Himself Edward Goodner, the infant son of Neil (’41) and Mrs. Nellis (Jane S. Goodner, ’40). Edward’s death came after a short illness in Ixtland de Juarez, Oaxaca, Mex., where his par ents are serving the Lord as members of . the Wycliffe Bible Translators. Ruth Marie, the infant daughter of John R. (’36) and Mrs. Petker, went to be with the Lord Jesus, Aug. 29. . Her death in the Sacramento Hospital was the result of her being struck by an automobile. Mr. and Mrs. Pet ker may be addressed at Rt. 1, Box 8, Florin, Calif. Another of the outstanding leaders whose work was associated with the very beginning of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles has been called to be with Christ. Dr. A. B. Prichard, at the age of eighty-nine, went into the pres ence of his Saviour on October 2, from Pasadena, Calif., where he had been ill for some time. As a warm friend of Lyman Stewart, Dr. Prichard had shar ed with him the burden for training ' young men and women for Christian work, and his wise and tireless efforts in this connection will cause the Insti tute ever to be grateful. During his lifetime, he held important pastorates in the Presbyterian church and was active in the work of the Bible House • of Los Angeles, as well as other chan nels of witnessing for Christ.
Bible Institute FAMILY CIRCLE
Leona Thoering, ’20, of Chungking, Scze, China, writes of the Lord’s mar velous provision in the midst of a terrible famine affecting Honan Prov ince. The people there live largely on dough strings. It is no unusual sight to see dead bodies along the roads. Please pray for the strength and health of all missionaries who labor in this needy land. Cause for much praise unto God is the fact that He has led out to the Indian tribes of Mexico more Bible translators and allied workers in this last year than in all the years that have transpired since Calvary. After attending the Summer Institute of Linguistics (Camp Wycliffe) at Bacone College, Muskogee, Okla., the follow ing Biola graduates departed for serv ice in Mexico under the Wycliffe Bible Translators: Burton Bascom, B. Th. ’43; Ed (’43) and. Mrs. Case (Betty Pearson, ’43); Howard Law, B. Th. ’43; Mary Jo Aiton, ’43; Marjory MacMil lan, B. Chr. Ed. ’37; Velma Picket, ’43, and Milton Gabler, B. Th. ’40. Married • Edward E. Case, ’43, {and Betty Pearson, ’43, Aug. 31, San Francisco, Calif. Edwin E. Cory, -’33, and Eleanor Irene White, Sept. 25, Los Angeles, Calif. John Duvall, B. Th. ’43, and Ruth Evelyn Vernon, Sept. 12, Pasadena, Calif. Richard Holsinger, ’42, and Jessie Wood, Oct. 5, Oakview Gardens, Calif. Born To Alan (’36) and Mrs. Brown (Ellen Retts), a son, William Paul, July 16, Glendale, Calif. To Richard (B. Th. ’38) and Mrs. Dilworth (Florence Wessel, ’39), a son, Richard Norman; June 7, Busia, Tan ganyika, E. Africa. To Richard and Mrs. Fralick, a son, Richard Dean, Sept. 30, Whittier, Calif.
At Home and Afield Jack (’41) and Mrs. Brown (Helen Bradley, ’41) have opened a new work in Stay, Ky., where they are conduct ing Bible classes, a young people’s c h o i r , and recreation groups. The road into this community had been nothing more than a wagon trail, but now with the coming of these two missionaries, thirty new culverts, six small bridges, and two large bridges have been installed across creeks and muddy places. L a b o r and teams were donated by the men of the com munity. Above all, the .gospel needs to gain an entrance into this com m u n i t y so long shut off from the world. Lyman A. Wendt (’34), pastor of the Calvary Church, Santa Ana, Calif., has been granted a leave of absence in order to attend the Dallas Theologi cal Seminary, Dallas, Tex. Mr. Wendt has been accepted as a special stu dent in systematic theology, and is hoping to concentrate the four-year course into this school year. With Mr. Wendt in Dallas are Mrs. Wendt (Helen E. Gilbert, ’38) and son, Gil bert. Lester and Mrs. Spencer, mission aries u n d e r the American Sunday School Union, are in need of a vibra- harp—one similar to a Degan radio vibraharp No. 144 portable with 2% or 3 octaves. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer may be addressed at 709 Park St., Trinidad, Colo. Joseph (’32) and Mrs. Beckett of Kukar Gadu, Nigeria, W‘. Africa, are praising the Lord for His care of them through a six-mile crocodile infested swamp. What a joy it was for these servants of God to find two large vil lages on the other side of the swamp! Soon hundreds of people were listen ing to the gospel for the very first time.
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Reachihs Youth The Lord is richly blessing the ministry of Dick Hillis, ’32, Director of Practical ;Work, not only in stimulating Biola students in the joy of soul-winning, but particularly in winning high- school youth for Christ. In the interest of the latter age group, Mr. Hillis is planning a weekly broadcast especially designed to challenge the high-school student. The announcement shown at the right is being printed in many school pa pers; and through this and other contacts he hopes to gain entrance to the student body assem blies to which he can present his Bible-centered, Christ-honoring program and message. Interest is increasing; souls are being saved. PRAY for this vital work.
D I G D roadcast OF THE WEEK
EVERY TUESDAY 8:30 —9 00 RM. D I A L 1390
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