November 1943
love was to sell himself to their masters and work with them. This he did gladly, talking with them at every opportunity. Soon the love of Christ entered many hearts. Is not this a feeble picture of what Christ did in order to reveal God’s love to us? III. TO INSPIRE OUR LOVE (1 John 4:19). , Love inspires love. As we catch a glimpse of God’s heart of love for us, our hearts respond in love toward Him and toward others. 1. Unto God. This is shown in the lives of missionaries who leave home, friends, and comforts to carry the news of God’s gift to the uttermost part of the earth where* heathen people grope in their superstition and fear. 2. Unto Men. It is human for-us to love those who love us, but Christ said, “Love your enemies.” God hates sin, but He loves the sinner. And even though we hate the evils and tragedies of war, we should love our enemies, seeing their lost souls as God sees them, and longing that they, too, may know Christ. Conclusion Only as we accept a gift, does it become ours. The same is true of God’s Christmas gift to man. He offers Christ to all as Saviour, but only those who accept this gift, possess it. Is God’s love gift yours at this Christ mas time? To many Christians the Christmas story has become commonplace be cause they have lost contact with the vital spiritual truths that it contains. We counsel all to a careful reading of this text with hearts open to the Holy Spirit’s direction as He reveals that this phenomenon leads not merely to the birthplace of another child, but to the very Son of God Himself whose advent was to change the eternal destiny of all who would believe on Him. We are primarily concerned with our destination under the Spirit’s di rection, but rejoice to know that we are never left to wander into strange paths. God’s Spirit is ever present to direct His people. We well recall how He led the children of Israel by the pillar of fire, and by cloud. See Him now as He leads the wise men to the Saviour. Consider Him as He leads you and me to worship, to sacrifice, to serve, and into blessed expectancy of future joys, at the Saviour’s feet DECEMBER 26, 1943 THE STAR STILL LEADS M a t t h e w 2:1-12 By Herbert R. Bruce Introduction :
For Those Who Hove Topics I. HE LEADS TO WORSHIP. 1. The wise men came to worship because they recognized that such was due to the Son of God who came to provide for them the desire of their hearts. The fact that vHe was sent from God was sufficient to com mand their adoration. 2. In Revelation 5:12 we read of the “four and twenty elders” praising the Lamb that was slain, acknowl edging that He was worthy to receive all and more than they were able to shower upon Him, 3. Let us worship and adore Him now as we not only reflect upon His blessed birth, but upon His accom plishment of our redemption. II. HE LEADS TO SACRIFICE. 1. It is not sufficient to say that the wise men offered only material gifts to the “young child” in Bethle hem. Let us consider their action.
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