November 1943
DAILY Devotional Readings
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1. The Early Morning iWatch “Arid in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed’* (Mk. 1:35). Jesus chose the early morning hour for prayer. Many of the mightiest men of prayer have followed the Lord’s example in this. . . The first thing we should do each day is to go alone with God and face the duties, the temptations, and the service Of that day, and get strength from God for all. We should get victory before the hour of trial, temptation, or serv ice comes. The secret place of prayer is the place to fight our battles and •gain our victories.:—R. A. Torrey. i 2 . For Him “I delight to do 'thy will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart” (Psa. 40:8). I am glad to think I am not bound to make the world go right, But only to discover and to do With cheerful heart, the work that God appoints. I Will trust Him That He can hold His own; and I will take His will, above the work He sendeth < me, To be mj^ chiefest good. The glory is - not in the task But in the doing it for Him. —Jean Ingelow. 3. Beyond Understanding “The peace of God, which passeth all understanding” (Phil. 4:7). The fruit of the Spirit is peace, a tranquillity of heart for the child of God, not dependent u p o n circum stances. It is a peace that passeth understanding. T h e r e are circum stances which explain the peace of mind which we may have, but when there is-no possible explanation and yet our hearts are kept in perfect peace, this indeed Is .the peace of God. —Congregational Christian Beacon. Hidden Saints “Not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called” (1 Cor. 1:26). Those men are not necessarily the most useful in their generation, nor the most favored by God, who make the most noise in the world. . , I f 4.
we would trace truly the hand of God in human affairs, we must un learn our admiration of the powerful and distinguished, our reliance on the opinion of society, our respect for the decisions of the learned or the multitude, and turn our eyes to private life, watching for the true signs of God’s presence, the graces of personal holiness manifested in His elect.—John Henry Newman. "Wherefore also we’ pray always for you,: that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and ful fill all the good pleasure of his good ness, and the work of faith with power” (2 Thess. 1:11). It is power we need. Our work for Christ is too g r e a t for h u m a n strength. Our adversaries are strong: the .world . . the flesh . .. and 'the devil . . Against such odds, how helpless are our reasonings, organi zations, and endeavor! We must have power, divine power, or fail. And it is the power of the Holy Ghost! It is not culture, wisdom, wealth, or earthly influence. All these can create organized results, but cannot bring spiritual life. Only God can do His own work.—A. B. Simpson. Because We Belong . “Because ye belong to Christ” (Mk. 9:41). Because we belong to Christ, high 5. A Needed Fortification 6.'
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