Î S INSURANCE § 5 f MINES, MacKEIGAN & HILKER 3757 WUshire Blvd. LOS ANGELES, 5, CALIFORNIA Room 205 Phone FE. 2139
Növember 1943
This Is the first and last Of all that’s true and wise; The circle that contains all light Beneath, above, the skies. —Horatius Bonar. NOTE: Because government restric tions on paper make impossible the enlargement of iTHE KING’S .BUSI NESS, even when a particularly crowd ed issue, like this one, must be print ed, it is necessary to limit the de partments to smaller space. Hence one-half month of Devotional Read ings is' offered this month.
too can be used of the Holy »Spirit to sweeten lives. —The Conqueror.
12. Constant and Unchangeable “Jesus Christ the. same yesterday, and today, and for ever” (Heb. 13:8). Living as we do in a time when changes in living conditions are made overnight, it is comforting. to know that we have a Saviour who is con stant, steadfast, and unchangeable. We can trust Him today to be what He was yesterday. We lie down to night with full assurance that He will be tomorrow what we found Him to ba today.—Maurice Clymore. No Credit to Us “What hast thou that thou didst not receive? now if thou didst re ceive it, why dost thou glory, as if thou hadst not received it?” (1 Cor. 4:7). When we recognize that we have nothing but what has been given from above, there is a fuller sense of dependence upon God who takes the weak things of the world to con found the mighty, so that no flesh may glory in l His presence. Nothing is so subtle as the sin of pride. It can vèil itself in many forms. . . If God owns our service and grants suc cess, how prone we are to take the credit to ourselves, instead of ascrib ing it to Him to whom it rightly be longs.—W. M. Robertson. 14. The Ground of a Firm Stand “Being fully persuaded, that what he had promised, he was able also to perform” (Rom. 4:21). To stand firm in your submission to God when passing through severe testings; persecutions, and tempta tions, is the right way to strengthen your trust and confidence in the pre cious promises of God. Faith cannot be made strong in any other way. It is when so burdened that God reaches down to deliver us. He will always deliver when there is something to be delivered from. Yes, it is when we need Him, He will be faithful to His promises.—T. H. Atkinson. Really Know Christ “That I njay know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made . comfortable unto his death” (Phil. 3:10). To know the Christ of God^ The everlasting Son; To know what He on earth For guilty man has done: 13. 15.
FREE CATALOG Listing an extra large stock of merchandise for the Church ahd Sunday School. 'Also .splendid seasonal and Christmas gifts with many fine items foi'-c the home. THE BOONE PUBTJSHING CO. Dept. 4, P.D. Box 200 • Des Moines, Iowa
The Depth of Israel's Torment i ' g* _£ No words can tell the depths oi widespread miseries, the extremity of ruth less tortures, the mental and physical agonies, inflicted upon the Jews by the Nazis. Already more than two million Jews have been brutally murdered by
Hitler's Gestapo since this War began.
gees who have fled to Palestine, to others released from internment camps in Canada; also to some urgent cases of need in South American! countries and the United States. Through mate rial aid"'we have the blessed opportu nity of preaching the Gospel and giv ing spiritual aid to the sorrowing and afflicted.,
It is very plain that the enemy is bent upon the extermination of the Jewish people. But God’s Word plainly teaches that Israel as a nation will survive their tormentors; for this peo ple are yet to be converted and made a blessing to the world. (Jer. 31:35-37; Rom. 11:1, 15-26; Ezek. 36:25-27). RELIEVING THE SUFFERERS
D e a r Christian reader: Please do not permit any of our efforts to dimihish be cause of lack of financial support. C o n s i d e r 1be agony these .refugees;, have endured — s o m e of, them very .old and .some very young — the urgency of their need.
In the meantime multi tudes of Jews in Europe are going through incon ceivable horrors of starva tion and suffering. Amongst these are large numbers of Hebrew Christian Refugees who reached the shore of England a f t e r escaping from. Nazi hatred and per secution. We, The Interna tional Hebrew Christian AN
They have no other ref uge to which they could flee. If we were to fail them, then their last hope would be gone, ‘ Please send your gift to our General Sec retary. Note: Free booklet, “Present Day A t tempt to Destroy the Jews,“ gladly ,mint on request.
Rev. Jacob Peltz
liance have had the privilege of giving succor to multitudes of these victims of Nazi cruelty. We maintain Hostels or Refugee Homes for them in Great Britain. We give relief and other forms of assistance to many of these refu
The International Hebrew Christian Alliance The Rev. Jacob Peltz, Ph. B., B.D., General Secretary Canadian Office: KB-II3 U. S. A. Office: 91 Bellevue Ave., Toronto, Ont. 4919 N. Albany Ave., Chicago 25,
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