November 1943
$5.00. Gospel Folio Press, 817 North Ave., N. E., Grand Rapids, Mich. Christmas Anthems and. Choruses Christmas numbers ottered' by the Theodore Presser Company, 1712 Chest nut St., Philadelphia, Pa., include: “The Child of Bethlehem,” a Christ mas cantata for three-part mixed voices, by Louise E. Stairs; 'time of performance: 45 minutes. Vocal score, 60 cents; words only, $2.00 per hun dred. “Tidings of Joy,” a Christmas can tata for mixed voices, by Louise E. Stairs; time of performance: 40 min utes. Vocal score, 60 cents; words only, $2.00 per hundred. “ In Old Judea,” for mixed voices with violin obbligato, by Adam Geibel; price 12 cents. “Q Holy Night!” well-known sacred three-part song, by Adolphe Adam; price 15 cents. “Holy Night! Peaceful Night!” from “The Christ Child’L two-part sacred anthem, by Hawley-Peery; price 12 cents. For Christmas Exceptionally attractive booklets, to please the most artistic observer and carry a message of Christ and the- Word, have been prepared by the Good News Publishing Company. Printed on -heavy glossy stock, each publication is illustrated lavishly with specimens of the best photography. Christmas Time for Children is altogether , de lightful. Keyed to child interests, the stories and illustrations are of the best, and there is a Christmas song on the last page. For 15 cents’ (14 pages), there is no lovelier gift for children. The Living Word is decidedly giftlike, spiral-bound, presenting' forty-three Scripture verses in beautiful display, together with several meditations; 36 pages, $1. Christmas Bible Stories are meditations founded on incidents in connection with Christ’s advent; 32 pages, 8 cents. Christmas Time (14 pages) is an annual of pictures, stories, and poems; 15 cents. Stories That Live from World War II presents —in graphic, true accounts—scenes from practically every battle zone of today, and shows the Lord’s strength ening and sustaining power; 32 pages, 8 cents. Good News Pub. Co., 322 West Washington Ave., Chicago 6, 111. (Quantify prices will be quoted.) NO DEBT [ Continued from Page 402] thank Him for our own who are now in India these five years.” Sometimes personal details have been apparent in connection with the giving.
“ I’ll take block No. 8,” one man de clared, depositing $100 with the Busi ness Manager, “ because it was. in 1908 that reame in touch with this place.” Later he returned with another gift of the same amount., “Please write my name on block No. 35, too,” he requested, “because the Institute has brought blessing into my life for thirty-five years.” Another friend purchased the block corresponding to his age and birth- date. And one Christian woman took ten blocks in memory of a loved one who had been saved in this place. Clubs and other groups are pooling their interests, purchasing blocks in the name of their organizations. Per haps the most active among these in dividuals are the present students of the Institute, who, although they may have slender means, have great ap preciation of what the Institute means to a young person. Victory Ahead Probably the manner in which any debt is' accumulated is«unexpla}nable. How, years ago, the burden connected with the Institute buildings alone should have grown' to approximately a quarter of a million dollars is not the subject of debate here. But it is significant to note that in the ten years of the leadership of the present Pastor and President, Louis T. Talbot, not only .has a plan been inaugurated for the purchase of the church audito rium for the use of the Church of the Open Door and the Bible Institute— which plan is being carried forward steadily with satisfactory results—but also the indebtedness on the Institute buildings has decreased to such an extent that freedom from all these shackles seems near at hand. It is hoped that many who read this article will be moved by the Spirit of God to have a part in this work, the outreach of which extends to the ends of the earth as Institute graduates, year after year, take their places as missionaries of “the gospel of the grace of God.” To any donor of $100, a separate block will be ássigned, and a beautiful certificate will be sent, showing the
FOR SOPRANOS AND While the men are at war, more women will do the singing. This new book con tains musical arrangements that are well within the range ofthe average group ofwomen's voices. 48pages, octavo size, printed on good clear paper from large plates, bound In fine cardboard binding. Price only 60c each. Order today.
THE RODEHEAVER HALL-MACK CO. 1 1 9 Ninth Street, Winona Lake, Indiana —
YOU CAN HELP! Our Christian brethren in Russia ;and Canada need our help now as never before. Send us your gifts for these Russian Christians so that we can relieve their suffer ing. A L L R U S S IA N E V A N G E L IC A L C H R IS T IA N UNION 156 F ifth A ve ., New Y o rk , 10, N. Y . We can make good úse o f your OLD CLOTHING. Don't throw it away; send it to us¿ Institute buildings tjiat rest, sym bolically, on the Word of God. Like the -Institute itself, every gift, whether large or small, will be dedicated “unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood.” As the Lord leads you, will you not pray about this matter and use the accom panying coupon today? Louis T. Talbot, President, The Bible Institute of Los Angeles 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 13, California. Enclosed find $........ . as my gift to the Lord to be used in liquidating the indebtedness on the buildings of thé Bible Institute of Los Angeles. (Gift may be for one or more blocks at $100 each, or for any portion thereof.)
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