King's Business - 1943-11

Suggestions for Christmas

For Daily Devotions God’s W ord for* To d ay, O. Hallesby $1.00 My Utm ost fo r H is H ighest, Oswald Chambers . . . 2.00 Stream s in the Desert, Mrs. Chas. Cowman . . . . . . ............................ 1.50 Springs in the V a lle y , Mrs. Chas. Cowman . . . . . .. ............ 1.50 Cut from the Loaf, James M. Gray . 1.50 Precious Bible Prom ises, Samuel Clarke ............................................................60 For General Reading Pocket B ible Handbook, H enry H. Halley, paper Cloth .......................................................................... T h is Means T h a t: D ictio n ary of Bible Typ e s, W alter L ew is W ilson 3.00 C h rist for A m e rica, H orace F. Dean 1.00 Fo otprints of God, Arthur I. B row n .. 1.50 H arm ony of Science and S crip tu re, H arry Rimm er ........................... O rientalism in Bible Lan d s, W ilbur R ice .......... . . . .. . . . 1.25 L ife on the H ighest Plane, Ruth Paxson . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 .......................................... $1.00

For Student Reference B ib lica l Backgrounds, J. M cKee Adams .......... .. In the Steps of the M aster, H. V. Morton A fte r Its K in d , Byron C.Nelson 1.50 Jam ieso n , Fa u sset & Brown Com ­ m en tary . . . . . . . . ................. 4.95 Strong’s C o n co rd an ce ..........................................7.50 Young's Concordance .. . . 7.50 Th e New Top ical Textboo k .............. 1.00 Christmas Card Assortments 12 Card Box . . . . $ .5 0 21 Card B o x . . . . . . . 1.00 All w ith Scriptuire Text. Beautiful Scripture Plaques and Mottos from $0.15 to $2.00 Scripture Text Calendars $0.30 each or 4 fo r $1.00 Write for Our,List of Bibles and Testaments. .. $3.75 .. 3.00

Books for Children E G E R M E IE R ’S B IB L E S T O R Y BO O K A new Bible story every night for 254 nights, more than 200 beautiful pictures, 17 full-page color reproductions, Holy Land scenes; self-pronouncing $2.00 S T A N D A R D B IB L E S T O R Y R E A D E R S B y Lillie A. Faris A charm ing series o f six graded Bible readers for children in the home, school, and the church. Illustrated. Blue art vel­ lum cloth binding. Book One . . . . First Grade $ .80 Book Tw o . . . . Second Grade . . . . .90 Book Th ree . . . Third Grade . ... . .90 Book Fo u r . . . Fourth Grade . . .95 Book F iv e . . . . Fifth Grade .. . . 1.00 Book S i x ................. Sixth Grade . . 1.00 E G E R M E IE R ’S B I B L E P IC T U R E BO O K A B C Each letter of the alphabet is illustrated with a beautiful full color plate, accom ­ panied by a story. B y Elsie E. Eger- m eier ............................................................$1.00 For Our Musical Friends Fam ous H ym ns w ith Sto ries and P ic ­ tu re s, Elizabeth H. Bonsall .. . $1.00 Stories of H ym ns W e Love, Cecelia M . Rudin . . . . .................... 1.00 Stories of Fa vo rite H ym n s, Kathleen Blanchard .............................................. 1.25



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