Evan Money March/April 2019

I have a friend named Joshua. He was happily married with kids, but unfortunately, he didn’t maintain the connection with his wife, and divorce eventually followed. They had joint custody and, for the kids’ sake, they remained civil toward each other. Joshua learned from his mistakes and realized he need to grow in many areas, thus beginning his journey into personal growth and life change. In order for things to change, Joshua realized he had to change, and in order for things to get better, he had to get better. As if by magic, once he changed, everything changed for him, and his relationship with his ex-wife took on a new color. They soon began to “date” again, and after being legally divorced for many years, they were recently re-married! No matter what state your marriage is in, it’s not too late. Start working on the connection and watch what happens. My bride and I are cheering for you. YOU CAN DO IT! Here is a special bonus video to encourage you. It’s a sizzle reel from my bride’s and my new hope-based reality TV project we are working on. Let us know your thoughts after you watch it by emailing mythoughts@EvanMoney.com. with me. We were talking about investment strategies, and he asked if I knew what investment pays the biggest returns of all time. I assumed it was real estate, but I was wrong. Darren explained it was owning a business. I did some quick calculations and realized I started my first business with literally no money, and that business has produced close to 20 million dollars and is still producing. That’s a really good return no matter how you look at it. For the first 0–5 years of my business, very few people even understood what I did, and many called it stupid. It’s a good thing I had a different perspective. Now I’m going to encourage you to take a different perspective and realize there is something you have right now that is far more valuable than any business in the history of the world. What could that possibly be? It’s your health and your relationships. Think about it: The only thing you can take to heaven besides yourself is other people, not your businesses. The famous theologian Dallas Willard explained that it’s not a question of what Jesus would do, but rather how He would live your life. How would Jesus run your business? Good question! It’s critical to point out that Jesus was in business for over 15 years, and He only spent three years in ministry. If anyone can relate to entrepreneurs, it’s Jesus. How can you maximize your health, relationships, and spiritual life today? ... continued from cover Video: https://vimeo.com/311572418 password: happy

has given you the green light to help them in a certain area, without a solid connection, the railroad car isn’t going anywhere. Or worse, you may have a weak connection that allows you to pull for a little bit, but once you start uphill and the real stress hits, you disconnect, and all the momentum is lost, magnifying the hurt and frustration. So how exactly are you supposed to connect? If you’re asking that question, it means you didn’t do the exercise from the last newsletter, or you started and then life got in the way. Go back to it and work through all the questions. One of the best fill-in-the-blank statements on that list is “I feel the most loved when you …” Whatever the answer is, DO IT! Consistently. That is the world’s best way to connect with your spouse. Once connected, the pull to greatness will happen naturally, as if by magic. You never have to focus on the pull; just focus on the connection. Unlike the railroad cars, the connection must be maintained DAILY! That’s right. It’s an everyday love affair. Rather than bemoaning that fact, simply make it a lifestyle. It’s just like with your health: If it’s a lifestyle, you are never falling off the wagon and getting back on. The momentum works in your favor and will carry you to excellence. In fact, what would your life look like if you made excellence in your marriage a lifestyle? I personally challenge you to do this. The rewards of joy, harmony, and ecstasy await you. Take Action and start now, and you will be so glad you did. WisdomSource From the PROVERBS 26:10 TPT “Like a reckless archer shooting arrows at random is the impatient employer who hires just any fool who comes along — someone’s going to get hurt.” You get out what you put in. Too often we are so busy working in our businesses that we don’t take the necessary time to work on our business by prepping for an interview. Every position is a mission-critical hire; remember the pain, loss of revenue, and massive stress from your last bad hire? Better to catch it on the front end by taking the time to have a quality interview.



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