PLAN 2856 Modern Teritorial& Ranch
2,856 SF,3 Bedroom s,Den,3 1/2 Bathroom s,3 CarGarage
M iram onteHom Prices,term s are subjectto change,priorsale,selected lotprem ium s and predeterm ined options withoutnotice and M iram onte Hom es m akes no guarantee as to the availability ofhom es atthe stated price.Pictures and otherim ages are representative and m ay depictorcontain floorplans,square footages,elevations,options,upgrades,landscaping,furnishings,appliances,and designer/decoratorfeaturesand am enitiesthatare notincluded aspartofthe hom e and m aynotbe available in al com m unities.Anysuch featuresm aybe changed byMiram onte withoutnotice and in oursole discretion.Stated dim ensions and square footage are approxim ate and should notbe used as representation ofthe hom e's actualsize.Please see the sales agentforthe respective com m unity and the hom e purchase contractforactualfeatures,additionalinform ation,disclosures,and disclaim ers relating to yourhom e and its characteristics.No oferto sel orlease m ay be m ade orto purchase orlease m ay be accepted priorto issuance ofan Arizona Public Report.A Public Reportis available atthe State RealEstate Departm entwebsite iram onte Arizona,LLC,ROC# 241199.Copyright© 2020 Miram onteHom es.Al rightsreserved. STANDARD FLOORPLAN
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