King's Business - 1932-01


January 1932

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

The Editor Speaking Dear Juniors: Again it is time to wish you a happy New Year, which I heartily do. I hope, too, that the old one has been as happy for you, in our acquaintance, as it has been for me. It surely has if you have come to know and love the Lord Jesus and God’s wonderful W ord better. For that, I would remind you again, is the one great reason for which God has given us life. King Solomon, you remember, was one of the wisest, richest, and greatest kings the world ever knew. A t the end o f his life, after having had, and been, and done everything that a human being could, he said, “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter. Fear God, and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.” And God gives to another o f His great men to say, “Happy is that people [person, too] whose God is the Lord.” Let us ask Him to make us see this, dear Juniors, more and more. W e hear a great deal about making New Year’s resolu­ tions, and this is the very best one that any one can make. It is one that God Himself will help us to keep, and indeed there is no other way in which good resolutions o f any kind can surely be kept. And now about the folder for your Junior K ing ’ s B usiness pages: You will make your own this year, and I hope many more o f you will get prizes for keeping the year’s pages. If I could see them all, it would be possible to give a prize for the best folder. But the next best thing would be to send me a description of the folder that you make— and that might help some one else to get a good idea for a folder. Let us hear from you. Also, shall we brisk up at this New Year time by getting new members? Remem­ ber, our offer still holds; that is, a Gos­ pel of John will be sent to any one who requests it (and sends ten cents), and whoever reads the gospel through twice is entitled to membership in the K.Y.B. Club. And o f course the pretty blue club pin will be sent to new members. I am so glad for the many who have told me o f learning _the Memory Four and of finding the answers to the Bible Question­ naires. Thanks, too, for the dear friends who have said these were a Bible educa­ tion in themselves. Let us get in line for even better work this year. Lovingly and with best wishes, Y our E ditor . Which Would You Choose? A little lad o f eight, whose grandmother has taught him to know the Lord Jesus, has a wonderful love for Him. His lovely mother does not yet know the Saviour, so, as a part o f her little son’s education, she has arranged to send him to dancing school. He came home from his first class, in high delight at the new experience. “ Oh, Grandmother,” he said, “ I had such a good time—as good as I have at Sunday- school.” “Did you hear anything about the Lord Jesus, dear?” “ No, I didn’t, and that wasn’t so good,” the answer came thoughtfully. “Dear boy,” said Grandmother, “if you had to give up one or the other, which would it be?” Without a moment’s hesitation, and heartily, came the reply, “ I would give up the dancing school, o f course. That’s just fun. The other really, matters.”


H IS GRACE . “ Bound in the bundle of life with the Lord tby God.”—1 8 a m . x x v . 29. Sim ply, (s. o. t . B.) H G 9 -----1ST -S.

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K.Y.B.C. Notes Catherine and Robert Foster, o f Chicago, and Laurance Barber, o f New York, join us this month. W e are sure they will like our club pin, and although they have already read the Gospel o f John more than twice, they will read it again as all mem­ bers do. W e are sure they will see some­ thing new and lovely in it. For that is the kind o f Book God’s W ord is. Those who love it find it more wonderful each time it is read. Welcome, dear new members. Let us hear from you if you enjoy working out the puzzles and other things that are given to do. Immanuel Like man He walked, like God He talked. His words were oracles, His works were miracles, O f God the true expression, o f man the perfect specimen, Full-orbed humanity, crowned with deity, No taint of iniquity, no trace o f infirmity, Ecce Homo l behold the Man. Ecce Deusl behold thy God. Veiled in flesh, the Godhead see. Haill Incarnate Deity. Butterfly, with Golden Wing Butterfly, with shining golden wing, How I love you, pretty, pretty thing! Flitting gaily among the flowers Through the sunny, summer hours. God made you and me, But myself I’d rather be. You can only fly and shine, While I can praise the Lord divine. Little bird, as you so sweetly sing, How I love you, pretty, pretty thing 1 Soaring high through the summer air, Happy bird, your joy I share. God made you and me, While I can praise the Lord Most High. Little flower, such happiness you bring; How I love you, pretty, pretty thing I Shedding joy with your perfume rare, And making earth so sweet and fair. God made you and me, But myself I’d rather be. You can only live a day, While I shall live and praise alway. — A uth or U n k n o w n . But myself I’d rather be. You can only sing and fly,

The Sheaf of Wheat T he above verse may be used effec­ tively at a decision service, where the group is not too large. It is be­ lieved that many who are near the king­ dom are perhaps kept out for want o f o f­ fered opportunity to accept Christ. The method advanced here is one o f many that may be used. A blackboard and chalk and no great gift o f drawing are the things needed. The talk is of Christ and His many names, such as the Shepherd, the Water of life, the Bread o f life, the Door, the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He also speaks o f Himself as Wheat, and it is this simile that we will use. Draw one upstanding stalk of wheat o f goodly height, to be the center o f the sheaf, as He Himself is the center o f “the bundle of life.” The leader may then draw another close to it, naming himself or herself as in the bundle, and calling for the names o f others which, as they are given, she acknowledges by adding other stalks. A very little practice will accomplish this in a few strokes o f the chalk. Then the leader may call for those who have never before taken a stand for and with Christ, and as these respond, they are added in the same way. Often this simple pro­ cedure has brought in, unknown to those about them, new trophies for the Lord Jesus. At the close o f the exercise, an invitation should be given to those who wish to speak further on the matter. It has been found helpful to give a gospel to each o f these, with a decision card ap­ pended. When the sheaf is completed, it may be bound by drawing a line across its center. The verse should then be sung one or more times, or during the exercise, if so prompted.

The Memory Four 1st week—Isaiah S3 si. 2nd week—Isaiah S3 :2. 3rd week— Isaiah S3:3. 4th week—Isaiah 53:4. Bible Questionnaire

Where do we read: 1. O f a woman in a garden (O . T .) ? 2. O f a woman in a garden (N . T .) ? 3. O f a traitor in a garden? 4. O f the last mention o f trees?

—From Glad Songs.

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