King's Business - 1932-01


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

January 1932

dreams of a mind which knows no content­ ment or peace. The turmoil and strife of modern civilization makes worry an al­ most universal ailment. While worry and fretfulness seem to be special products of this age, yet away back in the times of David, in the days o f pastoral simplicity, the admonition against fretfulness was necessary. An analysis o f the Thirty-seventh Psalm

reveals that there are two negative and five positive injunctions given. I. “Fret not Thyself.” Three times in the first nine verses, the injunction, “ fret not thyself,” is given. The psalmist is here referring to a special brand o f irritation—that caused by a nar­ row outlook on life, which comes from seeing the prosperity of the wicked. The fretting here referred to is that in which

fruit in his season.” Fruit bearing is the simple and natural result o f feeding on the W ord o f God. The fruit o f the Spirit is the outcome o f being filled with the Spirit. It is no effort for the healthy tree to bring forth fruit. I f there is no “ love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,” etc., in the life, the roots should “His leaf also shall not wither.” The true Christian life is a thing o f winsome beauty. To display withered leaves de­ notes a withered life. Many Christians display to others a harsh, brittle, dried up, faded sort of appearance. There should be a luxurious freshness to the life. 5. Successful. “Whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.” It is not always possible to follow the windings o f God’s will for His children, but there is the assurance that “all things work together for good to them that love God, to them that are called according to his purpose.” Men may thwart for a time, but they cannot eventually block God’s will for the righteous man. IV. T h e C l i m a x i n g D isco r d The close o f this psalm is startling. Ab­ ruptly, powerfully, the terrible contrast of sin crashes into the song. The closing thought is that compromise is impossible. Sin and ungodliness kill the beauty o f the melody and ruin the symphony o f happi­ ness. “ The ungodly are not so.” It is a com­ plete contrast to all that precedes it. The ungodly are “ like the chaff which the wind driveth away.” They have neither root nor life. They are driven by every wind o f doctrine, popular opinion, and worldly success. Their end is destruction. “The way o f the ungodly shall perish.” From the study and analysis o f this first psalm, are discovered the two major ele­ ments o f the happy life; namely, associa­ tion and fellowship with God’s people, and meditation and study of God’s Word. e a g a i n suggest a series o f seven psalms to be used as the basis for a daily devotional meditation. Select one or more passages from each psalm to be memorized each day. M O N D A Y : Read Psalm 37. TU E SD AY : Read Psalm 38. W EDN E SD AY : Read Psalm 39. TH U R SD A Y : Read Psalm 40. F R ID A Y : Read Psalm 41. S A T U R D A Y : Read Psalm 42. SU N D A Y : Read Psalm 43. Expression Fretfulness and worry are probably the most common faults in this, feverish and tumultuous age. On every hand, men and women are worried and hurried; their every waking hour is filled with distract­ ing, unsatisfied desires or thwarted ambi­ tions ; their every night is troubled by the be examined. 4. Beautiful. FEBRUARY 14, 1932 The Secret of Peace P s a l m 37 Preparation


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