King's Business - 1932-01

January 1932


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

distresses and gaping wants, and it fills every crack and crevice to the full. That is the sublime confidence of the Apostle Paul. He stands before all desert places 'in hu­ man life, the mere cinderheaps, the men and women with burnt-out enthusiasms and affections, and he boldly proclaims their possible enrichment. He stands before sin, and proclaims that sin can be destroyed. He stands before sorrow, and proclaims that sorrow can be transfigured. He stands before the broken and perverted relation­ ships o f men, and proclaims that they can all be rectified. And all this—in the strength o f “the unsearchable riches of Christ” !—J. H. J owett . FEBRUARY 11 “ Thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk o f them when thou sittest in thy house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up" (Deut. 6 :7 ). A certain tree is exceedingly obnoxious to venomous serpents. A gentleman once observed a mother bird carrying leaves of this tree add surrounding her birdlings with them. As she rested on a limb above, he noticed a poisonous serpent circling around the tree and slowly ascending un­ til, with glistening eyes and extended fangs, its head was stretched out toward its helpless prey. As it came in contact with the leaves, it dropped as if shot. Constantly surround yourself and your children with those associations offensive to that old serpent, the devil. — S unday S chool T imes . FEBRUARY 12 “ Though I walk through the valley of the shadow o f death, I will fear no evil” (Psa. 23:4). The psalmist speaks not of the valley of death, but o f “the valley o f the shadow of death” ; for death is not a reality, but a “ shadow” to the believer. Therefore can he say, H will fear no evil.” The shadow of an evil will never harm, the shadow of a fire will never burn, the shadow of a storm will never destroy. And death, having lost its sting, becomes but a shadow; so that the believer can exclaim, “ O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?” And he answers, “I am not come as thine enemy, but as thy friend; not to destroy, but to conduct thee to thy Father’s home.” Thus death is not death, but an exit; a departure, a going home to die no more.—J. D. S mith . Arrayed in glorious grace Shall these vile bodies shine; And every shape and every face Be heavenly and divine. These lively hopes we owe, Lord, to Thy dying love; Oh, may we bless Thy grace below, And sing Thy power above! —C harles W esley . FEBRUARY 13 “ The very hairs o f your head are num­ bered. Fear not; ye are o f more value than many sparrows” (Matt. 10:31). Timidity is so unmanly 1 Every one dis­ likes the poltroon who shows the white feather and the faint heart. Jesus loved the bold Peter, who could jump into the waves and walk to his Lord. But even he at last wavered and denied his Lord before

the high priest’s servant. How fearful the majority o f people are! That is why the Bible is so full o f “ fear nots.” They fill the Old Testament and the New. . . . Yet how many Christians live in fear! God’s promises of help are there for every one who will claim them. God help us to be courageous ! God help us to put aside all fear of man and save us from fainting before these enemies, or being white- livered when men malign Christ, or turn­ ing tail when His cause demands a firm and a plucky testimony. —W . S. B ruce . ..... FEBRUARY 14 “Jesus . . . endured the cross, despising the shame” (Heb. 12:2). Every time the Lord Jesus healed a man or woman, every time He opened the eyes of a blind man, or healed a leper, or for­ gave a sinner, He was binding Himself to

pay for it all. He paid for it by the cross. How much He has done thereby to rescue us I ... . He died for us because we were destined to everlasting life. . . . There came upon Him, in the garden, as a rush­ ing tide, all the sins of the whole world. Though not born, yet every one o f us was there in the heart o f Christ, and He was crushed in the garden of Gethsemane for ,us. ' The first blood that redeemed us was shed in that garden, when there fell from His brow great drops o f blood because He so loved us that He was made sin for us and offered Himself to die in our stead. How wonderful, how mysterious! Here, indeed, is the place to take our shoes from off our feet. . . . The mystery o f mys­ teries is that “ God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that who­ soever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” —R uben S aillens .

SANE—AND SAFE w HEATON College is what it is today because it has always stood sanely for the right things . Founded in 1860, it has devoted itself continuously ever since to the prom ulgation and propagation o f the truth as it is m Christ Jesus. Thus, through times o f war, and o f panic as well,

under G od s blessing, W heaton has continued to m ove forward both spiritually and financially. The policies o f the College are now efficiently directed b y a board o f experienced busi- ness and professional m en o f sterling Christian principles and character. T he present worth o f W heaton College is nearly $2,000,000, represented b y real estate, equipm ent and other assets. E very A nnuity Contract is backed b y the entire property o f the College, all o f which is free and clear o f debt.

During the years - since W heaton College has been investing Annuity Funds, not a single dollar o f annuity invest­ ments has ever been lo s t ; nor has the College ever failed to m eet an Annuity paym ent promptly when due . An Annuity Contract with W heaton College means as­ sured annual incom e for the remainder o f your life. It eliminates care incident to the work o f administration, and prevents poor investments in old age.

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