HubSpot Quick Tips: Contacts, Deals and Tools

HubSpot Quick Tips Guide: Contacts, Deals and Tools

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HubSpot Quick Tips Guide Contacts, Deals and Tools

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“…It’s not about having the right opportunities. It’s about handling the opportunities right…” Mark Hunter

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A r d m a c Q u i c k T i p G u i d e

Creating Contacts It is really important to have a good contact database – this will allow the team to easily record and retrieve information, keeping everyone updated. On HubSpot every contact has what is called a ‘record’ – this is where all information relating to that contact is stored, including the company, deals they are associated with, along with information in relation to recorded calls,

There are four main ways to create contacts on Hubspot:

If you are have a list of contacts these can be imported onto HubSpot as an Excel file

When a visitor to the website fills in and submits a HubSpot form, a contact record for their email address will be created in HubSpot automatically

A contact can be created manually or automatically through the conversations tool

When you track and log an email via the HubSpot add- on in Outlook.

To note: Although it is possible to add contacts to the CRM without an email address, it is not generally recommended because HubSpot uses the email address to de duplicate contacts and automatically associate contacts with companies – so doing all the hard work for you!

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Other records & tools associated with the contact

Sample Contact Record

Activities can be filtered by activity

Integration Tools

Contact record’s properties & actions

Activities relating to contact

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Creating Contacts Manually Creating contacts in HubSpot manually are done so by the following steps: 1. In your HubSpot account, navigate to Contacts > Contacts

2. In the upper right, click Create Contact

3. In the right panel, enter the properties of the contact 4. Additional fields will appear once you’ve filled in the contact’s name and email including, Job Title, contact details, sector, etc. You can also select the person as a marketing contact so that they get the privilege of receiving our Quarterly updates. 5. Once all details are completed click Create Contact at the bottom. If you are looking to create another contact after this one, click Create and add another instead.

Tip: Associating a contact record to other objects,suchascompaniesanddealsallows the team to keep track of the relationships between your objects and allows HubSpot to sync relevant activities between these associated objects.

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Managing Contacts In HubSpot, your contacts index page is where your contact records are displayed in a table format. You can:  • See an overview of your contacts. • Search for a specific contact, by entering their name into the search box in the upper left. • Quickly filter contacts based on their property values. • Create and save views that show only contacts that meet a certain criteria, and • Bulk edit contacts, including deleting them.

In your HubSpot account, navigate to Contacts > Contacts.

The contacts table properties can be customised to your personal preferences. To edit the table, click Table actions in the upper right and select Edit columns. On the left, select the properties you want to appear in the table. On the right, drag and drop properties to arrange them how you want hem to appear in the table. Click x to remove a property.

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Managing Contacts: Filters To filter contacts you can use one of the default contact property dropdown menus above the table (such as Contact owner, Create date, Last activity date, Lead status) and select the values that you want the displayed contacts to have. To create your own personalised filter go to More filters , select an option and enter the property values you want to filter for and click Apply filter. You can save filters applied as a view by clicking Save view in the in the upper right in the ‘All contacts’ tab or Save in the bottom left in another view option. You can also save sets of filters as a view, so you don’t have to set them up again, and access them through the tabs in your contacts index page. To add a new view, click Add view.

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Creating Deals: Records

A deal record should be associated with the Contacts and Companies that are involved with the deal. This helps HubSpot with associating the relevant activities to the deal record. When you are interacting with someone through their Contact/Company Record via call or email, you can create a deal straight from this record without having to separately navigate to Deals. In the right panel of the Contact/Company Record, next to Deals, click + Add.

To create a new deal:

• Enter the details for your new deal in the Create a new deal tab. By default, the deal will be associated to the Contact/Company Record. • Once you’re done, click Create . A new deal will be created.

If there are existing deals that you want to associate the contact to:

• Click the Add existing deal tab. • In the search box, enter terms to identify the existing deal. • Select the deals you want associated to the Contact/Company record. • Click Save.

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Creating Deals: Deal Home To create a deal manually: 1. In your HubSpot account, navigate to Sales > Deals. 2. In the Upper right, click Create Deal 3. In the right panel, enter the details of the deal. 4. In the Associate deal with section, search for and select the company and contact the deal is related to. 5.Click Create deal . If you want to create another deal, click Create and add another instead. All properties are set-up to similar to the properties we had on our last CRM. To note the properties marked with * are compulsory fields and must be completed before the Create button will show orange allowing you to successfully create the deal. End User is now a compulsory field and this is to allow us to track repeat customers.

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Syncing Deals Syncing deals is really important in order for the information stored on HubSpot to write to our Financial Database. When creating deals it is important to note that a deal will not sync if the ‘Ardmac Company’ and ‘Company Prefix’ properties are not completed, both these are set as compulsory properties. Deals are synced to the Database in a number of ways: • Creating a deal • Updating information and either Trigger Sync or Re-Trigger Sync in the Sync to Database dropdown property. • Moving a stage Note: There is a slight time delay on writing to the database, so be patient in waiting on information to sync across.

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Syncing Deals Continued

When creating a deal, a job number should automatically generate, if it doesn’t show up immediately, try leave the page and return back after a few moments and the job number should show (Image shows a job number created from only creating a deal). Do not re-sync the deal as this confuses the database and it overwrites the first sync, as a result will not generate the job number or in some cases create duplicates.

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Managing Deals In HubSpot, your deals index page is where all your deals are displayed. You can: • Have an overview of your deals in a table format or a board format. • Quickly filter deals based on their property values. • Create and save views that show only deals that meet certain criteria. • Bulk edit deals, including deleting them. In your HubSpot account navigate to Sales > Deals. Pipelines are already set up as default showing all the relevant Ardmac Business Units. To locate a specific deal within a certain Pipeline, you can enter a search item in the search box under the tabs. If you’re in the board format, to switch to the table view, click the View table icon in the upper left.

Similar to Contacts, Deals can also be filtered using the deal property dropdown menus, either the default or your own personalised filter.

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Linking eMail and Phone

In order to make the most of HubSpot it is important to check that both your email and phone number are linked to your HubSpot account.

To do this go to Settings > General.

Within the Email tab check your company email is connected. If it not add email using the grey Add email box. Within the Calling tab connect your phone by selecting the Add phone number. Note: you can also connect your calendar for ease of sending times you are available to prospective clients for meetings.

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Template and Documents

Within HubSpot, you can build a library of content for your entire team to use, share and upload in the form of templates and documents. Templates (such as emails) usually used for efficiency especially when sending out blanket emails to all of your contacts, can be created if you navigate to Conversations > Templates. Documents (such as brochures) can be created if you navigate to Sales > Documents. A library of different brochures/presentations can be saved to HubSpot for ease of access when sending emails from HubSpot.

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Sending eMails & Attachments Within a contact record, go to the Emails activity within the middle of the Contact record or by using one of the Integration Tools on the left. Select Create Email. A pane pops up from the bottom. You can attach a document already saved on HubSpot by selecting Documents. Or you can attach a new document by selecting the attachment symbol and selecting Upload new.

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Making Calls

Within a contact record, go to the Call activity within the middle of the Contact record or by using one of the Integration Tools on the left. Select Make a phone call. Select the number to call, making sure the Call from is your company mobile number and not from HubSpot. The recipient will receive your call as if it is from your mobile. You can speak to the person as if you were on teams (but with no video), make your notes on HubSpot as you chat.

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Pinned Activity, Associations & Tagging

Within a Record, Company/Contact Deal within the main pane, an activity can be pinned to the top to allow your team to see the most recent up-to-date information at the top of the window. To do this, select the activity, go to Actions, top right, and select Pin from the dropdown menu. The activity you want to be seen when you open a certain record will be shown at the top all the time until you Unpin.

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Pinned Activity, Associations & Tagging

To ensure information from a call, email, meeting or tasks is saved across Deals, Contacts and Company HubSpot uses Associations. To do this select the activity you want to associate, associations shows on the bottom right, you can choose the contacts, companies or deals you want to link it to. Use the Search all records to find the relevant association. To keep your team updated with the relevant information you log onto HubSpot you can tag colleague by using the @ command. That colleague will receive an email notification with your notes.

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