U nlike the assumptions many people make about those who are homeless, Tyrone Henry is both a hard worker and someone who always looks after others. Unfortunately, being a second generation immigrant and the primary caregiver to his father, Tyrone ended up in a situation that he never thought he would be in. Luckily, The Umbrella Transition Program was there to help. LOSING EVERYTHING “I grew up between America and Jamaica, so as a kid I traveled a lot,” says Tyrone. Tyrone’s parents were from Jamaica; his mother died when he was young. His father switched jobs frequently, so he moved around and stayed with different relatives. His father recently passed away at the age of 84 and before he died, Tyrone wanted to bring him back to his home country of Jamaica to spend time there. He quit his job and sold his house to go to Jamaica for a year and when he returned, it was as if he had to start
all over—and find a new job and a new house. Luckily, after being in the program for several months, Tyrone was able to find a job and has begun working again. He will also be moving into his own place very soon! SOMEONE WHO CARES Tyrone says, “It’s a great program because not everybody necessarily has a certain type of struggle and even when they do they sometimes just need that care, you know when someone cares and will just give you the opportuni- ty to get back on your feet that way you don’t necessarily feel all alone in the struggle.”
Tyrone feels extremely grateful for The Umbrella Transi- tion Program and all that they have done for him. He even gives back by cleaning the house and assisting the staff with various tasks on a daily basis.
“It’s a great program because not everybody necessarily has a certain type of struggle.” – Tyrone Henry Finding More Than a
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