Volunteering for the better A story about Abhik. V olunteering, has always been an essential part of Abhik’s life. Coming from a place of kindness
There’s a problem with the local gov- ernment; a local state official com- mented, “we can’t help homeless people and let them in our shelters because of their violent behavior and problems and addiction.” Abhik finds these words to be a complete lie. Ev- eryone is different, and they don’t suf- fer from the same problems. Having a place where people can come togeth- er to support one another and finally break the cycle is the Umbrella transi- tion program’s focus. Focusing on helping people better their futures and themselves is something Abhik is constantly focused on while working with the residents of the Um- brella Transition house. Meeting to- gether a few times a week gives Abhik the resources needed to discuss ways for residents to create a better future for themselves and those around them.
Transition Programs mission. How- ever, it was a short-term solution to the problems that needed to be solved. Being on the first line of de- fense means that Abhik saw the cy- clemany homeless people had gone through. People would be cycled through shelters and then pushed back out without the support they need. That’s what led to the creation of the Umbrella Transition house.
and an immense willingness to help, Abhik joined the Umbrella Transition Program.
Shown: Umbrella Transition House PHOTO
Growing for more
One of the first main focuses of the Umbrella Transition Program was feeding the homeless in what is known as tent cities throughout Madison. Giving out food to help those in need was something that first attracted Abhik to the Umbrel- la Transition Program. However, as president Rodney Alexander want- ed to continue growing the program, Abhik supported him. Helping to look for properties to start the tran- sition house was an essential step in continuing to grow. Helpingwith the future “We needed a long-term solution,” said Abhik. Handing out food was an essential step in the Umbrella
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