• You never know what you’ll end up loving. (Drive-thru graduation was a kick! If you have it, go all out!) • Cherish all the small moments. Take nothing for granted. Enjoy every moment with your whole heart. These kids earned this time to be celebrated. Celebrate everything. Be present. Do it for your kids; do it for you. Do it for the kids who didn’t get to enjoy senior nights and prom nights and graduation festiv- ities. Do it for their mamas who were heart- broken for these moments to pass uncele- brated. Applaud your senior loud enough for all of us. • Don’t blink. But do breathe. • Plan ahead; don’t wait till the last minute. Don’t procrastinate on minimum require- ments for college applications. Be patient with online learning. • Take. Pictures. Of. EVERYTHING. And be IN the pictures.
• Be supportive, let your students have fun, be there for what they need (hugs, chats, food, a confidante), enjoy spending time with them, encourage them, tell them again and again how proud you are of them, and love them. • Enjoy the ordinary moments. That’s where real life is. • There will be so many “lasts,” but there will be so many firsts to look forward to, also. Cry... but then put on a smile and get out there and enjoy every minute with them! • Do all the things and take it all in. Love fiercely...and laugh often. Deepest thanks to all the mamas who not only shared pieces of their stories on my page but also gave me permission to tell those stories here. You and your graduates truly put the class in the Class of 2020.
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