Foothills PT February 2019

... Cover story continued


tear and begin to break down. Balance exer- cises allow you to keep these systems healthy and well-functioning. Some types of exercise, like yoga and tai chi, help maintain your balance. They’re also incredibly easy to start at any point in your life because they don’t have a high barrier to entry. Even if you don’t have balance issues, you may want to consider trying them out. Alternatively, those already dealing with problems should consult a physical therapist, who will provide you with a specific set of ex- ercises designed to recover your lost balance. Many sources will tell you that one type of exercise reigns supreme. The problem with this thinking is that it inhibits all the ad- vantages you can gain from a multifaceted fitness plan. There’s no rule that states you can only pick one or two of the four essential types of exercise, so why limit yourself? Like a balanced diet, the best fitness system is the one that covers all the bases. BOTH/AND, NOT EITHER/OR

firing on all cylinders, you’ll never perform at your best. That’s why regular aerobic exercise is so important. As Anthony Joshua, the heavyweight champion of the world, says, “Cardio is a nice way to start the morning … it’s good to get up, get the body active.”

When you’re young, it’s easy to take flexibil- ity for granted. A middle schooler can run around all day without warming up and have no fear of straining a tendon or overworking a joint. That’s not the case for older adults, who need to stretch in order to stay limber. Regular stretching will increase your range of motion while reducing your chances of injury — a win-win. Begin by warming up your muscles with dynamic stretches like arm circles or walking in place. Once your blood is flowing, move to static stretches that require you to hold a position. Areas like the calves, hamstrings, shoulders, neck, and back are particularly important to stretch.


Where aerobic exercise targets the cardiovas- cular systems, strength training is all about building muscle mass. “Regular strength training will help you feel more confident and capable of daily tasks like carrying gro- ceries, gardening, and lifting heavy objects around the house. Strength training will also help you stand up from a chair, get up off the floor, or get upstairs,” says Wilson. You don’t need to lift massive amounts of weight to get the benefits of strength train- ing. Body weight exercises, like squats and pushups, are a great way to strength-train. Because muscle mass is actually built during rest periods, be sure to schedule recovery days each week.


Balance is the result of many systems — vi- sion, the vestibular system, leg muscles, body mechanics — working with one another. As we get older, these systems suffer wear and

Adding Nutrients toYour Meals The Importance of Green Foods

You can start adding greens into your diet by adding them as side dishes. For dinner, serve a bowl of steamed broccoli or green beans. Instead of grabbing a burger at lunchtime, pack a leafy green salad topped with protein, such as nuts or chicken. This time of year, soups and stews that contain leafy greens will warm you up. If you don’t enjoy eating greens, hide them in smoothies and juices. The more you eat leafy greens, the more you’ll develop a taste for them. Who knows? Before long, you might find yourself reaching for the broccoli instead of the potato chips when you’re craving a snack!

vegetables, grains, and meats. Vegetables or fruits should take up half of your plate. One- fourth should be lean proteins, and one-fourth should be whole grains. This guarantees that you’re eating a well-balanced meal and not overloading yourself with large portions of unnecessary calories. When you eat a well-balanced meal, you provide your body with the right nutrients and the calories it needs. If you’re unsure how many calories you should eat to maintain your current weight, multiply your weight in pounds by 12. If you want to lose weight, start by subtracting 500 calories per week to lose approximately 1 pound per week.

Being healthy is at the forefront of many Americans’minds. The nutrients you put into your system are critical to keeping your mind and body healthy. Everyone knows that staying away from junk, fried, and sugary foods is a good start, but knowing what to add to your diet is equally crucial. Leafy greens, such as kale, mizuna, and spinach, are rich in dietary fiber, calcium, potassium, and iron. They also contain vitamins C, K, and E. Adding these greens into your diet can support weight loss and reduce your risk of high blood pressure and heart disease.

To make sure you’re eating enough greens, divide your plate up between fruits,

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