If you’re constantly facing lower back, hip or knee pain—you might be feeling arthritis. According to the Centers for Disease Control, roughly 54.4 million U.S. adults are diagnosed with some form of arthritis per year. As we age, the cartilage in our joints wears down, causing painful bone on bone rubbing, inflammation, stiffness, and pain.
Physical Therapy N E W S L E T T E R
OVERCOME YOUR ARTHRITIS PAIN! Relieving Low Back, Hip and Knee Arthritis Pain
Arthritis + Physical Therapy • Staff Spotlight • Patient Success Healthy Recipe • Exercise Essentials
OVERCOME YOUR ARTHRITIS PAIN! Physical Therapy Newsletter
If you’re constantly facing lower back, hip or knee pain—you might be feeling arthritis. According to the Centers for Disease Control, roughly 54.4 million U.S. adults are diagnosed with some form of arthritis per year. As we age, the cartilage in our joints wears down, causing painful bone on bone rubbing, inflammation, stiffness, and pain. Whilethere isnocure forreplacingcartilageyet, it ispossibletoalleviate the symptoms of arthritis, by improving your joint movement, muscle strength, balance, and coordination. It’s even possible to eliminate symptoms entirely, depending on the amount of arthritis you have. If you have regular aches and pains, keep reading. We have a solution. What Is Arthritis, Exactly? Before knowing how to relieve arthritic pain, you’ll need to understand it. Arthritis—or the painful stiffness, or inflammation, of joints—isn’t a single disease. The term “arthritis” is an informal explanation of joint pain and disease in general. Over 100 types of arthritis exist, according to the Arthritis Foundation. People of all ages, races and sex can get it. It’s also the leading cause of ongoing disability in America. The most prevalent formof arthritis is osteoarthritis,which iscausedbyeither injuryornormalwearand tear.
What Causes Lower Back, Hip and Knee Arthritis? Because arthritis is a catch-all term, pinpointing what causes arthritis may be difficult. In most cases, arthritis is caused by overuse, wear and tear, or injuries. Arthritis can also be caused by: · Infections, such as Lyme disease · An immune system dysfunction - rheumatoid arthritis · The inheritance of osteoarthritis · An abnormal metabolism, which leads to gout · Previous injuries to the joint For arthritis sufferers, even simply walking can cause pain in the lower back, hip or knee. Often, arthritis is a downward spiral of progressive pain, limiting movement and strength, which in turn causes more inactivity and pain. However, by improving joint movement, muscle strength, balance and coordination,thiscyclecanbebroken,reducingpainand inflammation. Discover how our team of specialists at PTRC can get you moving pain-free again!
Physicaltherapy isoneofthemosteffectivemodesofpainrelief, and without direct access to PT services, many patients live with their painful conditions for far too long – in many cases, until the pain becomes too much to handle. As physical therapists, we are experts in the world of movement, having gone through rigorous training to learn the very best treatment methods of pain relief, prevention, and functional improvement. Italsogoeswithoutsayingthatnopatientwantsto jumpthrough hoops to receive the care they need. The process of getting a physician referral can be time-consuming and at times, difficult. In many cases, a physician visit for minor aches and pains may not even be necessary. At Physical Therapy and Rehab Concepts, we are so happy that this is no longer the case! With the signing of House Bill 29, patients now have direct access to physical therapy whenever they need it – all without the hassle of making a trip to your physician’s office! With this bill, you will be able to walk into any physical therapy office to receive the necessary care for your condition. This, inevitably, will lead to:
DIDYOUKNOWDIRECTACCESSISNOWAVAILABLEINTEXAS? For those who are unaware a bill was recently signed by the GovernorofTexasthatwillchangethecourseofphysicaltherapy forever! Before this, Texas was one of only two states in the U.S. that still required physician referrals from their primary doctors in order to gain the benefits that physical therapy offers. It is no secret that this was an issue – for many reasons. Physicaltherapistsandprimaryphysiciansaretrained indifferent areas. In fact, a physician may even opt not to recommend physical therapy to their patients, solely because they do not know how much of a benefit it truly can be for a patient.
• Improved Access to Care • Better Health Outcomes • Lower Health Care Costs
Please note, Medicare patients will still require a physician’s signature for billing purposes. PTRC will also review benefits information with direct access patients. So, are you living with pain or discomfort? Call or stop by one of our locations today! We’ll help you find relief ASAP.
If you or a loved one suffers from arthritis, you have options. The first step is to contact one of our therapists today, and ask about ongoing physical therapy treatment to restore mobility, comfort and quality of life. See how we can help your joints feel better and move better! Go online or call us to schedule an appointment today.
Regardless of the cause of arthritis, physical therapy plays a major role in the treatment of arthritis symptoms and should be tried first, before more aggressive procedures such as surgery. While maintaining a healthy weight, exercise and a good diet help, surgical intervention may eventually be needed. However, physical therapy has been shown to be an excellent way to prepare and recover after a total knee or hip replacement. It is very common for the muscles that support the knee, hip, and low back to become weakened from inactivity. Through targeted easy to do exercises, we help your muscles regain their strength, providing greater support to the joints, and reducing inflammation. Furthermore, by improving balance and coordination, especially to the knee and hip joints, the abnormal strain on the joints is relieved, and safety is improved to reduce risk of further injury.
Visit www.PTRC-TX.com for more information, or call 512.353.4575 (San Marcos) or 512.847.9057 (Wimberley) to schedule your appointment today!
Sources https://www.arthritis.org/about-arthritis/understanding-arthritis/what-is-arthritis.php https://www.arthritis.org/about-arthritis/where-it-hurts/back-pain/causes/back-arthritis.php https://www.arthritis-health.com/blog/7-core-exercises-relieve-back-and-hip-arthritis-pain https://www.arthritis-health.com/blog/4-types-arthritis-cause-sacroiliac-joint-pain
Heather McDonald, PTA Heather started out as a volunteer at the end of 2009, but her workethicshother intoher job asaphysical therapist technician. Shethengraduated fromthePhysicalTherapistAssistantprogram at Austin Community College in 2015. Throughout her schooling and career, she has worked in a hospital, skilled nursing facility, and in/outpatientsettings.Duringthattime,shegainedknowledge andskills thathelpedher treatawidevarietyofpatients, including but not limited to adults, geriatrics, and pediatric patients.
“I believe it is important to educate the patients so that they have a better understanding of their injury, how to treat that injury, and most importantly to continue maintaining what they have gained through physical therapy. Being in this field has been a blessing and I love getting to help others in the healing process. I want to give the highest quality of care possible.”
Healthy Recipe Slow Cooker Coconut Ginger Chicken
•4 cloves garlic peeled •2 inch cube ginger about 30 grams, roughly chopped •1 small sweet onion peeled, quartered •1 tbsp olive oil •2 tbsp butter •2.5 lbs boneless, skinless chicken thighs cut into four •2 cans coconut milk not shaken •2 tbsp cornstarch
•1 can baby corn cobs •1 cup peas or frozen vegetables Spice Blend •1/2 tsp ground pepper •1 tsp ground cumin •1 tsp ground coriander •1 1/2 tsp ground tumeric •1 tsp salt
“The best place in the state of Texas!”
“I came to PTRC because I needed the exercise and because everyone is so nice here. This is the best place in the state of Texas. I started coming after my stroke and after my knee surgery. Because of their encouragement, I haven’t stopped coming since. I am now 94 years young. Treatment was very good. Even with the ‘torture machine,’ it was hard but I did it. Now I am more agile, and I feel better. I refer PTRC to my friends all the time.” - Cassia H.
Directions Combine spices together and set aside. In a food processor, pulse garlic, ginger and onion until it forms a paste. In a skillet, heat olive oil and melt butter. Add pureed aromatics and stir well. Cook for a few minutes, then add spice blend. Cook for 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly. Move aromatics to one side of the skillet and add chicken pieces. Cook chicken slightly on all sides and thoroughly coat it with the spices. Transfertheskillet ingredients intoaslowcooker. Remove the cream from the top of the coconut milk using a soup spoon and set aside. Pour the remaining coconut milk over the chicken until it barely covers it. Drain the corn cobs and chop in half. Add to the slow-cooker. Cook on low for 4 hours. Whisk cornstarch with coconut cream (previously set aside) until smooth and add to the chicken, stirring well. Add frozen peas or othervegetablesofyourchoice.Cookforanother 1/2 hour or until the chicken is cooked and the vegetables are hot.
EXERCISE ESSENTIALS Try these exercises to relieve hip pain.
STRAIGHT LEG RAISE While lying or sitting, slowly raise your leg, keepingyourkneestraightandyourtoespointed outward. Hold for 2 seconds, then slowly lower your leg to the starting position. Repeat 6-10 times with each leg.
HIP ABDUCTION - SIDELYING While lyingonyourside,slowlyraiseupyourtop leg up and to the side. Keep your knee straight and maintain your toes pointed forward the entiretime.Useyourbottom legtostabilizeyour body. Repeat 6-10 times on both sides.
Always consult your physical therapist or physician before starting exercises you are unsure of doing.
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