
Sport Med Corner - May 2024

R odeo isn’t just a sport—it’s a lifestyle that demands strength, agility, and resilience. From the intense physical strain of the ride to the relentless impact on the body, rodeo athletes face unique challenges that require top- notch performance. That’s where chiropractic care steps in, offering a holistic approach to enhancing athletic ability and promoting overall well-being. Understanding Chiropractic Care Chiropractic care isn’t just about back adjust - ments—it’s a comprehensive practice focused on optimizing the body’s neuromusculoskeletal system. This includes bones, muscles, joints, nerves, and more. By ensuring proper alignment and function of these vital components, chiro - practors help rodeo athletes reach their peak performance and minimize the risk of injuries.

Canadian Rodeo News – May, 2024 – 18

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