
Kaylee Shantz I I had a blast starting the month of April off on the right foot, or should I say boot? I had the pleasure of getting

to know the team better at the Chinook location Lammles, picking out some new clothes and doing some shopping! I then made my way to High River for the Miss Rodeo Canada Alumni clinic. It was such a pleasure to connect with girls on all different paths of life. All of us coming together for a shared passion of rodeo and the role of being an ambassador was exhilarating! I was so thankful to be able to impart some of my knowledge and encour - age the girls on their journey. Driving my Innisfail Chrysler Ram 1500 down the QE2 to our capital city of Edmon - ton I had a wonderful sponsor tour with Cowan Graphics Inc., Chateau Lacombe, 840 CFCW, Lammle’s and Edmonton’s Best Hotels! I love connecting with the incredi - ble organizations that keep me on the road and expressing my gratitude whenever I can! I then took a trip to our friends at the Calgary Stampede for the canvas auction! I cheered on our chuckwagon drivers as they received sponsorships and exchanged hearty handshakes. I am so excited to watch the Rangeland Derby this year and stomp my boots loud as they come down the home stretch! Smithbilt Hats Inc. was my next stop as I had to check out the new building! It was so cool to see how the progress was com - ing and catch up with the team as they prepare for the big move!

Canadian Rodeo News – May, 2023 –30

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