Reminder: What Citizens Should Expect During the Decennial Redistricting Process
By: Orange County Communications Department, Adapted from March 2022 Orange County Insight
Redistricting is the process of adapting voting district boundaries to better represent current populations based on the most recent census. Across all levels of government, voting districts determine for which candidates a citizen is eligible to vote, as well as which district they could represent if they chose to run for office. Orange County contains five (5) voting districts, each of which is represented by one (1) member of the Board of Supervisors.
The County submitted its new proposed districts and precincts following a February 8, 2022 public hearing. Once approved by the Office of the Virginia Attorney General, the County will prepare to hold upcoming elections using the new districts and precincts. This process requires that all registered voters receive updated voter registration documents, regardless of whether their district or precinct was changed during the redistricting process. To assist during this transition, the Orange County Office of Voter Registration & Elections webpage has resources available to help voters locate their proper district, precinct, and polling place, including an interactive map. Please note, district information will not be updated until final approval is received from the Office of the Attorney General. Orange County registered voters need not take any action at this time; simply be prepared to receive a new voter registration card via mail in the upcoming months. If you have questions, have changed your name or address, or would like to register to vote, please reach out to the Orange County Office of Voter Registration & Elections at (540) 672 - 5262.
Figure 1: Previous voting districts (purple lines) overlaid on new voting districts (colors). Compare the lines and colors to notice changes. Please be aware, a voter ’ s polling place may change even if their district remains the same.
Page 9 | April, 2022
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