

IPM attracts thousands

tees partnered together to present the largest outdoor exhibition of its kind in Canada. “!is year’s event featured daily plowing competitions, quilt and craft shows, educa- tional programs, antique displays as well as numerous outdoor shows and activities,” explained Charles Leduc, President of the Ontario Plowmen’s Association. !e event also served to celebrate the region’s past. “We are, indeed, proud of the agricultural roots of our forefathers, whether the aboriginal community of Akwesasne, the


For four days, Finch’s otherwise calm vil- lage streets were invaded by hundreds of cars. !e International Plowing Match (IPM) welcomed thousands of curious onlookers, as it opened its doors fromSeptember 22 to September 26.!e Ontario’s Plowmen’s As- sociation and the local organizing commit-

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Loyalists who settled in Cornwall and the United Counties in 1784, the Francophones who arrived in large numbers throughout Cornwall and the Counties or our moremo- dern pioneers, the Dutch and Swiss farmers,” said IPM Chair Jim Brownell. Plowing matches have been part of the agricultural history in Ontario for well over a century. In the early days, they were spon- sored by agricultural societies, the "rst farm groups to be established.

History records that, in 1846, when the "rst provincial exhibition was held in To- ronto, a special feature of the event was a plowing match. It took place on a farm on Yonge Street in the vicinity of St. Clair Ave- nue. !ese matches not only gave farmers an opportunity to display their skill in the handling of a walking plow, but to show the "ne teams of horses, many of which were imported or were from imported stock.

Après trois belles années de plaisir et d’épanouissement, nous avons le regret de vous informer que le Centre de loisirs (CDL) au 738, rue Brébeuf à Casselman se voit dans l’obligation de déménager dès le 15 octobre 2015 . Le Centre de loisirs (CDL) est un centre de divertissement et de ressources pour les jeunes âgés de 11 à 16 ans et qui, par la même occasion, permet aux jeunes de 16 ans et plus de faire du bénévolat. Le !nancement du CDL provient des collectes de fonds annuelles qui sont organisées par le programme C’est ta communauté de Casselman et les membres de son conseil communautaire. Étant une organisation sans but lucratif, nous devons bien gérer nos ressources !nancières a!n d’assurer la viabilité du programme. actuellement toutes les options possibles pour assurer le futur du CDL. Soyez rassuré que les services o"erts aux jeunes de Casselman et des régions avoisinantes seront maintenus. Nous vous informerons dès que possible concernant le nouvel emplacement du CDL. Avis | Notice Centre de loisirs (CDL) Nous évaluons

After three wonderful years, we regret to inform you that the Youth Centre , also known as CDL, at 738 Brébeuf Street in Casselman will be moving as of October 15, 2015. The Youth Centre is an entertainment and resource centre for youth ages 11 to 16. Volunteer opportunities are also available for youth 16 and over. Funding for the Youth Centre is generated through fundraising initiatives organized by the Communities that Care (CTC) program of Casselman and members of its community council. As a not-for- pro!t organization, we must consider our !nancial resources to ensure the program is sustainable. We are currently exploring all possible options to ensure the continuity of the CDL. Please be assured that services to youth in Casselman and surrounding areas will be maintained. We will inform you regarding the new location of the CDL as soon as possible.

21 e festival de la citrouille du 27 septembre au 1 er novembre 2015 Les samedi, dimanche et lundi de l'Action de Grâce : 10 h à 17 h La semaine sur réservation : 9h à 15h Ferme Proulx et Érablière Animation C'est la fête à la ferme

11h30 12h30 13h30 14h30 15h30

Pour votre participation

À votre service

En spectacle au Festival

Programme de soirée en octobre

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