
10A — February 28 - March 13, 2014 — Shopping Centers — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal


S hopping C enters

MacKenzie Retail’s Gioioso rep. tenant in 1,875 s/f lease LMSCommercial Real Estate leases 8,775 s/f in three transactions L

ancaster, PA — LMS Commercial Real Estate has re- cently arranged the following lease transactions: Randy’s BBQ has leased 3,000 s/f lease at Northgate Shopping Center, York. The landlord was represented by Travis Riley and David Nicholson , of LMS Commer- cial Real Estate. Little Caesar’s Pizza has leased 1,875 s/f at Eastern Blvd. Shopping Center, Essex, MD. The landlord was repre- sented by Wilay Boensch, of LMS and the tenant was repre- sented by Michael Gioioso , of

Grandview Plaza

MacKenzie Retail, LLC . New York Diner has leased 3,900 s/f lease at Grandview Plaza Shopping Center, Ha-

Cranford, NJ — In- dustry veteran Thomas Ko- rnitzer officially joined Win- Wi n i c k R e a l t y GroupNJwelcomes industry veteran Thomas Kornitzer nover. The landlord was rep- resented by Ryan Myers , of LMS Commercial Real Estate. n

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ick Realty Group NJ, where he will serve as se- nior director, working out of the com- pany’s Cran- ford office. In this position,

We’re looking for sites in PA End Cap, In-line, Free Standing Flexible Space Requirements   Retail Opportunities Needed Consistently Ranked #1 Franchise - 45+ Y ear T rack Record

Thomas Kornitzer

Kornitzer will be in charge of both landlord and tenant ac- counts, specifically working with such exclusive clients as Safeguard Self Storage, Pep Boys and Wendy’s. n

a section of the Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal P.O. Box 26, Accord, MA 02018 781-871-5298 • 800-584-1062 fax 781-871-5299 www.marejournal.com Shopping Centers Real Estate Journal

Non-Traditional Venues - Hospitals/Colleges Universities/B&I/Stadiums/Casinos/Airports

Local Contacts:

Eastern PA — 610-366-8120 x 24, Cheryl Green green_c@sdepa.com Philadelphia PA — 610-768-8990, Rawley Shelton rawleyshelton@gmail.com

Section Publisher Elaine Fanning efanning@marejournal.com

Section Editors Julie King Karen Vachon editor@marejournal.com

realestate.subway.com www.subway.com


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