Annette Deakter

with deep devotion. As a result of these journeys, our mom helped Magen David Adom with generous contributions. Her love for the Greater Miami Jewish Federation and all the important things Federation accomplishes led her to become a strong supporter. She was especially proud to wear the Lion of Judah pin. Our mom, Annette Deakter, enjoyed

being a hostess for events at her home for Federation that included members, rabbis, and dignitaries. She was actively engaged in raising money for various Jewish organizations. Her memorable holiday celebrations with her children and grandchildren created a legacy unto itself. Our mom imparted her love of Judaism and her love for Israel and the Greater Miami Jewish Federation to her family. Unfortunately, our beautiful mother,

Annette Deakter, passed away on February 11, 2009. But, her legacy will live on with her entire family. She was a visionary who believed that Jewish people should learn from the past to keep Judaism alive in schools, home, community, and the world. Story written by Annetteā€™s daughters, Cheryl and Marsha Deakter

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