Board Converting News, January 10, 2022

Converter Outlook: Part I (CONT’D FROM PAGE 30)

your clients deserve better? Lastly, write a big fat check to the ICPF for the continued development of youth in trade schools, high schools and colleges. This organization has been warping the minds of young people into believing YOUR industry is a great place to work and develop.” CAL BOX GROUP Santa Fe Springs, California: John Widera and Chris Wide- ra report, “High-flying California faces an obscene $31 bil- lion discretionary budget surplus, plus a $1.3 trillion debt

from state and local governments. It’s sheer volume, pace and pre- carious economic impact on peo- ple and manufacturing facilities in 2022 will have smooth sailing, others will not (especially emerg- ing markets). “The current M&A integration of suppliers and distributors is facets are economic issues. Sourc- ing, delivering materials (from Asia), with forecast risk should determine how many widgets will arrive on time. Washington’s ivory towers, of course, employ plen- ty of economists but practically nobody understands business, let alone how the nation’s supply

John Widera

chartering a logistic course to provide better insight and control of their supply chains. At the core, all supply chain

Chris Widera

chain works. So instead of leadership, we get glib plati- tudes. Instead of some semblance of progress, we get endless recycling of the same positon statements, more lawsuits and new legislation to drive up the cost of living. “These opinions are a lot like fashion when deciding what states and their economic strategies are hot and which ones are not. The impact of markets is by no means uniform across the nation. One area where there is a gulf between superficial appearance and reality is in the Gold- en State’s $38 billion fraudulent unemployment payments, $100 billion railroad to nowhere, about 1,400 businesses a year leave California, unfunded $120 billion state, lo- cal pension of public employee obligations, help wanted signs, etc. These have turned our ship of state into the highest state income, sales and gas taxes in U.S. “In that context, fiscal prudence is still the best course of action. However, CEO’s and politicians offer compel- ling visions of power over stimulus policy in a surveillance world that’s us versus them. Facebook for example, has not been transparent or truthful with investors and adver- tising clients. Thus there are more accusations of prioritiz- ing profits over user safety and security. “Social media has our personal likes and history to mar-

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