Louis Nieweg


Presented by The Foundation of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation


Louis Nieweg was born and raised in Holland. When Hitler invaded in 1940, he managed to escape with his brother and parents by convincing a fishing boat captain to take them to England. Unfortunately, his older sister, living in another part of the country, perished in the Holocaust with her husband and 5-year-old child. From England they moved to Australia and then the U.S., where Louis became a successful businessman in New York after

World War II by trading in jute, a fiber from an Asian plant used for sacking and cordage. In 1960, with the rise of Castro and the loss of his Cuban accounts, Louis sold the business and retired. A decade later, after several visits, he made South Florida his home. It was soon after his arrival that Louis participated in his first mission to Israel with the Greater Miami Jewish Federation. It was on this trip that he met Norman Lipoff, who

would become his lawyer and dear friend. The trip sparked in him something that led to a life of service and giving. He said that he didn’t want what happened to his sister to ever happen again, and devoted the rest of his life to the Jewish community. His generosity and support for the Jewish community was far- reaching. He had been a major donor to the Greater Miami Jewish Federation as well as other Jewish institutions, including Miami Jewish Home and Hospital for the Aged, Temple Emanu- El in Miami Beach and Friends of Israel Defense Forces. He worshiped his mother, and during his lifetime donated nearly a dozen ambulances in her name to American Red Magen David Adom (ARMDI). Louis loved being part of the Jewish community and going to community events. He could always be spotted with his trademark white hat and white sneakers, even at a black tie event. He was known to often whistle “La Vie En Rose,” even singing it if he liked you. Louis Nieweg had a real soft spot for Jews in need, here and in Israel. Through a gift in his will, he created the single largest endowment that the Greater Miami Jewish Federation had ever received and designated it for Jews in need. Although Louis passed away in 2004 at the age of 92, his generosity and commitment continues to touch many Jewish lives through the Louis Nieweg Fund. The Federation also thanks Norman Lipoff, who was instrumental in helping Louis leave this legacy.

Temple Beth Am AND Rambam Day School

Presented by The Foundation of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation

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