Tips on college and work
But what about working blues? One HSDC stu - dent said “Sometimes it gets difficult when it’s busy,” and another said “When the customer has an attitude and thinks they know what’s right it can be hard..” But there is light at the end of the tunnel and there are ways of managing this, such as prioritising your time and avoiding anything you may feel distracted by and most importantly taking regulated breaks to breathe and relax. Choosing the right job When deciding on a role, it’s best to start where you feel most comfortable and where you know you can get flexible hours such as becoming a cleaner or even working in retail for a minimal amount of time or days a week. Be prepared that the wages won’t always be up to your expectations as you are only doing a partial amount of work compared to what you would be doing full-time.. Studies also show that almost a third of retail workers are under the age of 25! This means that it is widely accepted that young people work in this area so it’s a great way to make new friends with people your age. In fact the more friends you have in your workplace, the more comfortable you will feel which should give you the strength to go the extra mile when working. My survey also questioned HSDC students about their emotional well being while studying and working part-time. . Half of students said working affects their mental health in some way and oth - ers commented on how they felt stressed and it was tiring. However, there are many ways to cope with stress such as maintaining physical exercise and making time for you such as taking up new hobbies or relaxing yourself with your current ones. The message is - it’s okay to focus on your - self! So if you’re feeling challenged by the stress of
College students across the country and also here at HSDC not only have to contend with new courses but also gaining more responsibility such as getting a job. In this article we’re going to give you tips on juggling both your studies and earning money at the same time. Hopefully this will help you on the path to being both a successful worker and student whilst studying at HSDC. I’ve interviewed students at HSDC for their tips and feelings about managing work and studies at the same time. One student gave this advice and said: “Choose days off when you don’t have college.” She added: “Don’t pick up too many hours and leave time so you can study in your free time.” Another student said, “Plan your days around your job.” Planning your day and becoming organised can help to improve your overall balance of the two, whether you’re struggling to revise or to work. According to TheProductivityExperts, 87% of 800 workers said that a cluttered workspace affects productivity so why not plan to tidy up your sur - roundings first as a starter?
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