The Holdsworth Group - April 2019

SHHHHHHH! It’s National Library Workers Day!

Whether you have a card or not, libraries are an important part of our community. They serve as meeting places, research stations, employment centers, and local historical archives. They help kids and adults alike explore vast literary worlds and immense databases of knowledge — all for free! Behind every library is a dedicated staff of librarians, catalogers, assistants, and administrators who keep the system running smoothly. While it may not be the most well-known holiday, April 9 is National Library Workers Day (NLWD). As part of National Library Week, NLWD recognizes and celebrates the vital work performed by library staff. Librarians and their team do far more than simply place books on the shelf and shush noisy teenagers, after all. Library science is a multidisciplinary field that takes years of study to master. Today’s librarians have the skills of managers, IT specialists, documentarians, archivists, and educators — equipping them to help anyone from elementary students to doctoral researchers. These professionals can be an invaluable resource

for anyone looking to delve into a particular topic, even if they don’t know where to begin. Just tell your

local library worker what subject you’re interested in, and they can help you track down books, databases, magazine articles, and more. How should you celebrate National Library Workers

Day? Some groups, such as the students at the University of Arizona, go above and beyond by delivering balloons and signs to library branches across Tucson. More commonly, however, library branches ask their community members to vote for a “star” staffer. If a library worker has made a difference in your life, you can submit their name to the American Library Association by visiting and clicking “Submit A Star!” Lastly, you can show your appreciation by visiting your local library and thanking these professionals. These important community centers only work because they do!


All of us in the EMS industry know change is inevitable and necessary, but knowing that a change needs to be made and actually implementing said change are two completely different tasks. Sometimes your team members resist industry evolution, but in other cases, you may be the one standing in your own way. Familiarizing yourself with sources of resistance will help you address them before they slow momentum. Here are three of the most common pressure points that may cause your team to refuse change. LOSS OF CONTROL Team members can often feel a loss of control when changes are made to their workload or role without them being a part of the conversation. If you’re planning on making substantial changes, bring team members in on the planning early. Let them know why the plan is being considered/implemented and how it will impact them. That kind of approach will help them adapt more seamlessly.

HEFTIER WORKLOADS Change often means more work, and the people who are in charge of implementing or testing the change can get overwhelmed. Make sure you acknowledge the extra effort being put in by your dedicated team members by recognizing how hard they’ve been working, thanking them, and perhaps awarding them a small token of thanks. Gift cards, food, coffee, or even movie tickets for them and their families go a long way. TOO MANY SURPRISES Decisions imposed on people suddenly, with no time to get used to the idea or prepare for the consequences, are generally resisted. You should avoid the temptation to craft changes in secret and announce them all at once. It’s better to plant seeds — that is, to sprinkle hints of what might be coming and seek input. Bring your team in on the changes to avoid bad surprises. And, as always, if you need an extra hand or brain to aid you and your team as you navigate necessary changes, I am here to help you.



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