Optical Connections Magazine Industry Focus 2024/25


CELIA moots new Caribbean-US submarine cable

Members of the CELIA consortium introduce CELIA, a new high-

22 Tbps per fibre pair, and providing an initial estimated capacity of more than 170 Tbps. CELIA is expected to go live in the third quarter of 2027. The members of the CELIA consortium are SETAR as the landing partner in Aruba, Orange as the landing partner in Martinique, Telxius as the landing partner in Puerto Rico and Boca Raton, U.S., while also offering 24/7 monitoring and security from its Network Operations Centres (NOC), and APUA

as the landing partner in Antigua. Alcatel Submarine Networks has been selected as the end-to-end supplier for the submarine cable infrastructure, connecting CELIA between the landing partners. The contract is already in force including

preservation in both terrestrial and marine neutral habitats at every stage of the project. The route selection and various infrastructures have been carefully studied to bypass the most sensitive areas

capacity “express” cable in the Caribbean region connecting Aruba, Martinique, Antigua, Puerto Rico, and Boca Raton in Florida. The new fibre cable known as CELIA, (Caribbean ELIte Alliance), will span over 3700 km and link key points in the Caribbean and North America, featuring a minimum of eight fibre pairs, offering a minimum of

and to apply the least invasive technologies.

options to increase capacity and to add

The consortium will work closely with NGOs and local authorities to ensure the preservation of ecosystems and the prosperity of local communities.

new landing points. The companies say the CELIA project incorporates high standards for environmental protection and biodiversity

HGC taps Ciena for Philippines DCI

Philippines ICT service provider and network operator HGC Global Communications Limited (HGC), is working with Ciena to deploy technology for HGC’s Data Centre Interconnect (DCI) service. To be implemented by Ciena partner CommVerge Solutions, Ciena’s 6500

Packet-Optical Platform powered by WaveLogic Ai coherent optical technology will support HGC in gaining better flexibility, improved scalability, and adaptability of its network. HGC is also leveraging Ciena’s 3928 routing and switching platform to improve efficiency of operations and

service consistency across applications. With Ciena’s optical and routing technologies, HGC says it can provide high-per- formance data centre connectivity with reduced latency to its customers. This collaboration enhanc- es HGC’s service offerings, giving its customers access

to seamless data transfers and ensuring business continuity. HGC will also use Ciena’s Navigator Network Control Suite to support rapid planning, provisioning, turning-up, and troubleshoot- ing of services, as well as the use of analytics and intelligent network control to optimise network performance.

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