Dave Tester - October 2022

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October 2022

You Will Never Forget Me’ ‘LOVE ME OR HATE ME,

strong, are great for branding and marketing, but they are also easy to pick out of a crowd if you have a complaint.

“Love me or hate me, you will never forget me.”

Publisher of Success magazine Darren Hardy shared that quote with me about being bold in marketing and memorable in message. I’ve shared a couple of photos of marketing that works: Love it or hate it, you will never forget it. The Oscar Meyer Wienermobile rolled into one of the towns I was coaching in this month, and I quickly noticed it attracted a crowd of eyes and, of course, people who wanted to buy a hot dog. Many of us get hyper-focused on our mission statement in business. While our mission plays an essential role in our success, most of your employees probably can’t tell you what the mission statement is. Some of them simply don’t care. The majority of your customers and prospects neither know nor care about it either, unfortunately. However, what they will remember is that you are the people in the pink trucks. Consumers are fickle fans of your business, so for starters, be memorable. Are you willing to ride a horse down Main Street to promote your product? Right Now Heating and Air Conditioning is the largest HVAC company west of the Mississippi. Their pink trucks, nearly 300

My message today is not to play it safe. A friend of mine purchased an athletic field for his college football team. “I was getting ready to make a new purchase for the school, spending $800,000, and not one person could see what we were going to do.” That one moment changed the college football world forever. “I put in a blue football field. I knew if I had told one person or if I put it to a vote, everyone would have told me all the reasons I was crazy.” The iconic Boise State blue turf has now spawned brightly colored fields across America. There’s a good chance your team has a bright color in the end zone because of my friend’s original marketing choice. Don’t use colors and brands your friends like, and don’t fall so in love with your current marketing motto that you’re afraid to take it to bold new places: a hot dog on wheels, a pink truck, or a horse on Main Street. Love me or hate me, you will never forget me!

-Dave Tester


IS REMOTE WORK THE FUTURE? ‘The Nowhere Office’ Explores This Idea

Not exactly, explains Hobsbawm. She believes that businesses still need physical workspaces, but how they are used will change. They will no longer be a place where employees spend their entire days. Instead, they will be designated for networking, training, and development. Hobsbawm also tackles the idea of how much employees should be working. She informs business owners that it’s okay to have employees work less, as it can lead to more productivity. She states that “work can and should be not only a source of raw income but also a purposeful life itself.” While your employees need to earn a livable wage, they should also find passion in their work, or they will quickly burn out and feel resentment toward their job. If your business has switched over to a remote or hybrid environment and you’re still trying to figure out how to successfully manage your team, “The Nowhere Office” will help you develop a plan.

Think about your current work environment for a second. Is it the same as it was three years ago? Likely not, as the traditional workplace was overhauled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and now, many employees across various industries are working remotely. But can work return to the offices full time? Should it? Julia Hobsbawm answers these questions and more in her book “The Nowhere Office: Reinventing Work and the Workplace of the Future.” Now that pandemic lockdowns have been lifted, many business owners have attempted to push employees to return to the office full time. Hobsbawm believes that’s the wrong approach, as forcing employees back into an office could kill productivity, and writes that remote or hybrid workplaces can be more flexible for employers and employees alike while still allowing work to be completed on time. But if remote work is the future, what will happen to the workplaces owned by businesses? Are they unnecessary?



The Strat – Las Vegas Completed in 1995, the Stratosphere is the tallest observation tower in the United States. Located in Las Vegas, the “Strat” is 1,149 feet tall. I have encouraged you to accomplish one thing every day that scares you to death. I did it by recording a video on the observation deck of the Strat earlier this year. As you may or may not know, I am afraid of heights. But I did it! This one feat of courage, assisted by my son, Carson, and two adult beverages, has changed my life.


PERFECT YOUR ABILITY TO CLOSE SALES Here’s a situation you’re probably familiar with: You’ve got a prospective client, and it seems like they’re interested in your product, but no matter what you or your top salespeople say or do, they just won’t commit to the sale. If this sounds like your business, don’t panic! There are ways you can improve your closing skills that you can start doing right now! One of the most tried-and-true methods is the assumptive close. In this tactic, the salesperson proceeds under the assumption that the prospect already wants to buy. They won’t say things like, “Are you ready to buy?” Instead, they focus on saying, “How many of our products would you like to purchase?” Another often successful method is the “puppy dog close.” This is a common tactic that involves offering a free trial or sample of your product to the prospective client in hopes they will fall in love with it and continue with the actual purchase. However, improving your closing skills means nothing if you don’t put legwork into the actual sales process beforehand. When you try to sell to someone with whom you aren’t familiar, even just talking with them can be difficult. So, you need to make an effort to know each customer and their potential objections. Take some time to figure

out who they are and why they’re coming to your business for your products or services. This will help you figure out what objections they may have so that you can develop a plan to combat their doubts. Lastly, know when to give up on a sale. You aren’t going to be able to close with every customer who walks through your door, and that’s okay. When prospects fail to show interest in closing after multiple meetings, it’s time to focus your efforts elsewhere. If you get too caught up in one unlikely prospect, you may miss out on more promising opportunities. If you take the time to learn and train your team on different selling techniques, you will begin to notice an increase in sales before long.


We’re looking forward to connecting with you soon! Visit our website, call, or email us today!

GG Gretchen’s Kitchen (My Mom’s Secret Recipes)

Email Us: TesterBroadcast@gmail.com Call Us: 208-707-9807 Learn More: GoDaveTester.com Office Locations: Boise and Coeur d’Alene, Idaho


• 1 pinch cayenne pepper • 3 1/2 cups vegetable broth • 3 cups peeled, chopped butternut squash

• 1 cup chopped onion • 2 tbs olive oil • Salt and pepper, to taste • 1 cup peeled, chopped potatoes

Corner Post MINISTRY

1. In a saucepan over medium heat, add onion and oil and sauté for 5 minutes or until onion is translucent. Season with salt and pepper. 2. Add potatoes and cayenne pepper and cook 3 minutes. 3. Add vegetable broth and bring to a simmer, then add butternut squash. 4. Cook until tender, about 20 minutes. 5. Purée in small batches and ladle into bowls. DIRECTIONS

If you would like to listen to Dave’s spiritual podcast, visit CornerPostMinistry.com.

“With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love” –Ephesians 4:2



6700 N. Linder Rd., Ste. 156 #297 Meridian, ID 83646 208-707-9807 GoDaveTester.com


Be Memorable


Become an Expert on Remote Work


Tester’s Travels

Proven Methods to Become a Better Closer



Creating a More Sustainable Future


Over the past year or two, many publications have challenged the idea that new technological advancements are helping us create a more sustainable future. Some of the most common examples cited are the disposal of electric vehicle batteries and the production of smartphones. How green are these technologies if they create new hazardous waste streams or increase fossil fuel use to generate electricity? Most of today’s electric vehicles use lithium-ion batteries, which are only recycled 5% of the time, even as automakers are trying to find second lives for their batteries. In a similar vein, smartphones are rarely recycled, and their production can be incredibly harmful to the environment. Some manufacturers, including Apple, have been introducing more environmentally friendly methods to create their devices. Companies across various industries have become more environmentally conscious. While a few outliers reflect negatively on sustainable technological advancements, most organizations are working hard to make a positive difference. Smart technology has allowed us to improve the efficiency of certain products, such as lightbulbs and HVAC systems. We can use this technology on our devices to control lights within our homes, set a thermostat temperature, and more. We can even set timers to control when things are turned on or off. This helps us control our

carbon footprint. Through reporting functions, these companies can make adjustments and improvements to devices without ever setting foot in our homes. When used correctly, technology can play a huge role in procuring a sustainable future for everyone — by increasing productivity and efficiency while also reducing product waste and the use of harmful chemicals. Now that companies are putting a greater focus on sustainable technology, you will begin to see improvements throughout society. It might not be immediate and there may be hiccups along the way, but with continued efforts, we can have a more sustainable future.


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