Payroll Assurance Scheme (PAS)
The prestigious gold standard accreditation for your payroll processes and people Developed in partnership with HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and launched in 2012, PAS is the prestigious gold standard to ensure your people and payroll processes are compliant and robust. Examining over 100 facets of your payroll operations, the scheme is consistently evolving and not only shows that lifelong learning and development is planned and encouraged, but that you’re dedicated to compliance and best practice in payroll, a huge accolade for staff, as well as ensuring procurement is much easier.
Every issue we want to recognise and celebrate those organisations which have successfully achieved, or retained, their accreditation. This month we would like to congratulate:
Auctane Ltd (new accreditation) Buzzacott LLP (new accreditation) Cornwall Payroll Ltd (re-accreditation) Education Personnel Management Ltd (re-accreditation)
Greaves West & Ayre (re-accreditation) Moore (re-accreditation) Natwest Group (re-accreditation).
Our chief executive officer, Jason Davenport, said, “I’m delighted to see so many organisations receiving the PAS accreditation and re-accreditation. This achievement provides a clear indication to both staff and external stakeholders that you’re dedicated to lifelong learning and development, and to ensuring the best possible payroll service is provided.”
TESTIMONIALS Hear from a few of our accredited organisations on how PAS has benefited their organisation
Azets: “We have been working hard at Azets towards the PAS accreditation, and we felt in a good position this year to go through the assessment. CIPP kept us informed, with quick responses and an allocated assessor to contact. On assessment day, our assessor was clear on how the day would run and we valued the opportunity to discuss our payroll processes. The assessment results along with the full report has been helpful and introduced thought- provoking topics. We are positive this will support the work our payroll service line completes with existing clients and instil confidence in potential prospects.”
Fourth Ltd: “We are delighted to be re-accredited for the PAS scheme. This demonstrates that we are dedicated to lifelong learning and development, which supports increased motivation and improvements in productivity. The PAS accreditation offers reassurance to our customers that compliance is key to the success of our operation and ultimately paying our customers’ employees accurately and on time.”
Perenco UK Ltd: “Perenco UK achieved the first PAS accreditation authenticating that the organisation ’ s processes and procedures are in line with the legislation and standards required by the payroll profession. The pre-assessment documentation was easy to gather, given the well-structured pack received from CIPP. The assessment day was well organised and provided valuable feedback confirming the best practice followed by the business. The PAS has highlighted the continuous development of the payroll team members with the great culture of the business towards sustained enhancement culture and succession planning.”
Rhian Whitecross ACIPP, assistant manager, PS control and compliance
Kathryn Wright ACIPP, director, payroll operations
Cristi Tinjala MCIPPdip, payroll and pensions manager
Visit , email or scan the QR code to find out how the PAS accreditation can help you
| Professional in Payroll, Pensions and Reward | February 2025 | Issue 107 14
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