Professional February 2025


Cheering on the profession

Leigh-Ann Hart ACIPP, end point assessment (EPA) executive, IPP Education Limited, shares what she has learned from her work in the Institute’s education team

W hen I joined IPP Education in 2022, I had no experience working within payroll or education. My experience of a hospitality apprenticeship, a decade (or two) ago, was now also woefully outdated. If you’re wondering how I ended up in this position after that admission, then I’m sorry to disappoint but my personal career path isn’t the focus here – although I will point you to lesson number three as a hint. Since we have entered 2025, I am now the end point executive in the EPA team and find myself being a cheerleader for both apprenticeships and payroll. The past few years have been eye opening for me in many ways and these are some of the lessons I have learnt. Apprenticeships are for *almost* everyone From school leavers to career changes and the newly promoted, there are Level 3 and Level 5 payroll apprenticeship standards available to cover the different skill levels. They can be a great way to train new entrants in the workplace, as well as to upskill any long-standing member of the team. At IPP Education, we have seen people at all stages of their career coming through for EPA – and all with a different plan on how to use their new expertise moving forward. Support is necessary Apprenticeships allow you to learn through direct teaching from a training provider, shadowing or mentoring from your employer and practical everyday experience while you are working. This multi-faceted approach covers so many

preferred learning styles and so provides an accessible and inclusive environment. Assistance and encouragement from all these areas not only complements this comprehensive approach but is essential to the apprentice reaching their full potential. “The ability to earn while you learn is not just a preference or benefit; for some, it’s an absolute necessity. An apprenticeship affords those people with an opportunity to learn and progress in their job” Transferable skills will get you everywhere A payroll apprenticeship will provide plenty of technical knowledge and skills. Of course, it will teach how to manually calculate tax, but it will also look at behaviours such as professional scepticism, prioritisation and planning. These are behaviours that can be taken anywhere, whether staying within payroll but switching specialities, or going from small to large organisations – the possibilities are endless, and the potential is exciting.

P. I have attended quite a few events over the past few years and have been blown away by the passion and dedication of almost everybody I have come across in the industry. There is a true community that you can choose to be a part of, one that guides and supports everyone while sharing an impressive number of payroll- themed memes on LinkedIn. Money talks The ability to earn while you learn is not just a preference or benefit; for some, it’s an absolute necessity. An apprenticeship affords those people with an opportunity to learn and progress in their job. The financial benefits don’t stop with the apprentice either; levy funding means the employer can offset the costs of this learning, expanding the opportunity for staff development where it otherwise may not be possible. Celebration is key In 2024, I attended the CIPP Graduation Ceremony which, for the first time, included Level 5 apprentices. It was a real pleasure to be involved in such a joyous occasion, and it was clear to see that this appreciation made all the hard work feel that little bit more worth it. A big celebration like a graduation is not needed for every achievement but that doesn’t mean it should be ignored altogether. So, if somebody in your life has a triumph, remember to say congratulations or make a little fuss. And if you’re the one who isn’t getting any recognition, give yourself a pat on the back and know that I’m here, sending a silent but heartfelt cheer out to everyone who needs it. n

Payroll people are Passionate Yes, I did mean passionate with a capital


| Professional in Payroll, Pensions and Reward |

Issue 107 | February 2025

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