Professional February 2025


“The very best relationship has a gardener and a flower. The gardener nurtures and the flower blooms” Carole Radziwill

Editor’s comment

February has arrived and 2025 is well under way now. Hopefully your year has gotten off to a good start and you are feeling positive about what lies ahead. Mid-way through this month is, of course, Valentine’s Day, when people traditionally show their loved ones how much they care and value them. But it’s not just romantic or personal relationships that we need to look after. Alongside these, we must also invest our time and energy


into our professional ones – after all, many of us spend most of our waking hours liaising with colleagues – so communication, understanding and appreciation are just as vital in our working lives. This issue’s theme is ‘blossoming relationships’, looking at how payroll nurtures associations with internal and external individuals and teams. Our feature topic article on page 24 explores how cultivating these can be critical to career progression within the profession. Open and honest communication can be particularly beneficial in establishing these connections, but we must be mindful that everyone is different and not take for granted the importance of personalisation. For example, fostering a good working relationship with a neurodiverse colleague may require an alternative approach to one that is effective with a neurotypical individual. Our roundtable on neurodiversity within the profession discussed this in more detail and you can read the full write-up of the event on page 32. Payroll should also be aware of its relationships with senior leaders and specifically how the two interact with each other. The story you tell matters and can help you achieve strategic recognition, as our feature on page 36 explains. Collaboration between payroll service lines and clients is also essential and can greatly improve the quality of data, as well as leading to more efficient and reliable payroll services. Our article on page 40 on enhancing collaboration in a bureau setting outlines the benefits of building a foundation of trust and cooperation. As this issue concentrates on blossoming relationships, now seems an ideal time for me to personally recognise the ones I’ve established during the past nine months. This is my final issue as interim editor of Professional as we welcome back Lora Murphy on her return from maternity leave. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my colleagues, the magazine’s contributors and you – our loyal readers – for the support I’ve had during this time. It’s been an absolute pleasure, and I have no doubt that in the coming months and years the magazine will continue to flourish.



Kavitha Sivasubramaniam ( Editor

24 - Feature topic – Blossoming relationships By Jerome Smail 32 - Thinking differently: neurodiversity at work By Kavitha Sivasubramaniam 36 - Storytelling and effective payroll communication By Lara Smart 40 - Enhancing collaboration in a bureau setting By Karen Thomson

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| Professional in Payroll, Pensions and Reward |

Issue 107 | February 2025

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