Professional February 2025



A message of thanks from Gordon Cresswell THANK YOU for publishing the article about my 80th birthday and thanks also to Eira Hammond for writing so kindly about me. I look back on the early days with a great deal of fondness and happiness. We had no funds, just a great deal of enthusiasm to establish a professional body for payroll and everyone involved was a hero. We pay tribute elsewhere to Mick Hearn, one of the early advocates of the Association of Payroll and Superannuation Administrators, and without the input of many others we would not be where we are today. It’s difficult to name every individual, but without Trevor Lakin, Peter Blackhurst (who is sadly no longer with us) and Chris Williams, the CIPP would not be where it is today. I would especially like to mention the first tutors who volunteered to teach our first ever students as they were the backbone of the fledgling body. There are many others, and maybe we should consider compiling a history of those very early days before it’s too late! As ever, the Institute is the sum of the people who continue to make an effort and to carry the torch for the profession. Thank you to you all for continuing to enhance the body and the profession.

Gordon Cresswell, CIPP founder

CIPP Christmas celebrations CIPP STAFF got together to celebrate the festive season by wearing our favourite Christmas jumpers and raising money for our two charities on 13 December 2024. We started the day with a festive quiz, followed by an office Secret Santa and finally a Christmas raffle, with some amazing prizes. Overall, we raised more than £150 for our two charities, Acorns and Marine Conservation Society.

Graduation 2024 professional photos available AS YOU may already know, our prestigious Graduation ceremony 2024 took place at the Symphony Hall in Birmingham on 1 November. We had a great day celebrating our brilliant students who had successfully passed their IPPE, and partner, qualifications. Our professional photographer’s photos are now available on our website and can be found here: https://

| Professional in Payroll, Pensions and Reward | February 2025 | Issue 107 4

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