King's Business - 1921-10

962 B U S I N E S S : m en tal doctrines of th e church of Jesu s Christ, as ta u g h t in th e W ord of God, th erefo re be it Resolved, th a t we hereby declare our adherence among others to th e following articles o f faith—We believe in th e fu ll au tho rity and inspiration of th e Holy Bible as, itself, in very essence and in fact th e W ord of God. W e believe in th e Deity of Jesu s Christ, in whom “ dwelleth all th e fulness of th e Godhead,” and th a t, as th e g reat h ead of th e church, He m u st have th e supreme place in th e lives of H is followers. We believe in th e triu n e God, F ath e r, Son and Holy Spirit, and we recognize th e m inistry of th e Spirit in th e conviction and conversion of sinners and H is abiding presence w ith and in th e people of God, to be th e ir in sp iration to faith and good works, and th e ir guide into all tru th . That, in th e sacrificial offering of H im self upon Calvary, Jesu s bore th e fu ll penalty of o u r sins as o u r substitute, th u s making atonem ent fo r th e sins of th e world. T hat, salvation is wholly of th e free grace of God, th rough H is appointed way in th e exercise of faith in th e finished w ork of ou r crucified Redeemer and th a t regeneration, a sp iritu al new b irth , is a prerequisite to acceptance by th e F a th e r in to th e fam ily of th e redeemed. We believe in th e virgin b irth of ou r Jiord, in H is resu rrection from th e dead, 'an d in H is ascension to th e rig h t h and of th e F a th e r, in glory, whence, in due tim e, He will come again to g ath er to H im self H is own as subjects of h is ever­ lasting kingdom . Wherefore, be it fu rth e r Resolved, th a t we in stru c t our pu lp it comm ittee th a t, in th e ir quest fo r one to recommend as a suitable p asto r of th is church, they con­ sider only such men as sta n d w ith us, unreservedly, upon th e fundam en tal doc­ trin e s expressed in th e foregoing resolution. This is a step that will bring into fellowship with this church numbers of people who want to know—and who have the right to know—what position is taken by the church with which they unite, and what the pastor of such a church is expected to preach. This position also makes it impossible for any minister to secure a place as pastor who would juggle with the truths of God’s Word. We congratulate the First Baptist Church of Pasadena and predict for it an era of blessing from the pierced hands of the Son of God. We com­ mend it, also, as an example for other churches knowing from definite experience that it will work and work well. It is a solution to a difficult problem now confronting many, many churches,—a reliable remedy, easily applied. T. C. H. ASK THE EVOLUTIONIST FOR AN ANSWER Among the many splendid addresses given at the Bible Conference held at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles during the month of July, was one by Dr. J. G. Kennedy, pastor of the First United Presbyterian Church of Santa Ana, on the theme “ Evolution vs. Special Creation” which we hope, later, to print in pamphlet form. Dr. Kennedy arrayed the professors one against another in an interesting manner, quoting the name and position of each- writer and showing the impossibility of there being any agreement between them. Every theorist exploited his own theory and none of them could produce any foundation in fact. He closed his address by submitting the following questions for the professors, or their followers, to answer: “Before we discard o u r Bibles and reje ct God as our C reator would it no t be well to in sist on positive and convincing answers to most of th e following ques­ tion s? T H E K I N G ’ S

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