King's Business - 1921-10

New Testaments

Authorized Version Testaments with Psalms 42P-—French M orocco, divinity circu it, red u n d er gold edge, black -face a m e th y st type. Size 5 % x3 % x Yé ..............— .................$ 1.50 0133X— French M orocco, d iv in ity circu it, _linen lined, round c o r­ n ers, red u nder gold edges, In ­ dia p ap er, ru b y type. Size 3 % x2% x% ......................................... 1.75 45P— French levant, divinity c ir­ cu it, red u n d er gold edges, leath er lined to edge, black-face a m e th y st type. Size 5 }4x3 % —........ ..............2.25 134X— A laska seal, d iv in ity c ir­ cu it, le a th e r lined to edge, silk sew ed, round corners, red under gold edges, ruby type, India paper. Size 3 % x 2% x % ............. 2.50 44P— P ersian M orocco, divinity circu it, red u nder gold edge, leath er lined to edge, black-face type. Size 5 */4x3 % x % ................ 2.50 0473X -i—French M orocco, divinity circu it, linen lined, round co r­ n ers, red u nder gold edges, m in­ ion type, India p ap er. Size - 4 %x2 % ............................................... 2.60 0487X—-Pigskin, limp', leath er lined, round corners, red u nder gold edges, m inion ty p e, India paper. Size 4 ^ x 2 % ......... 4.15 4S5X— P ersian M orocco, divinity circu it, _calf lined to edge, silk sew ed, round corners, red u nder gold edges, m inion type, In d ia. paper. Size 4 % x 2 % ...... ............. 4.25 V283— French M orocco, divinity circu it, le a th er lined to edge, rou n d corners, red u n d er gold edges, pica type. Size 5% x 7M ........ 4.15 01 OX— A laska seal, divinity c ir­ cu it, leath er lined to edge, silk sew ed, round corners, red under gold edges, India p aper. Size 3 % x2 ........-............................... 42T—A laska seal, d iv in ity c ir­ cu it, grained leath er lining, round corners, red u n d er gold edges, nonpareil type. Size 2 % x 4 & .................................................................... 43T— P ersian M orocco, divinity circu it, red u n d er gold edge, le a th er lined, black-face, type, a m eth y st. Size 3 % x2 % ........... . Authorized Version Testaments

076X— D ark brow n v elvet P e r­ sian, h alf circu it, round co m ers, gold edge, nonpareil ty p e, India p aper. 0295— French M orocco, divinity circu it, round corners, red u n ­ d er gold edge, m inion type. Size 4 % x3 x % .... ............... . 014X— French M orocco, divinity circu it, calf lined to edge, silk sewed, round corners, red- u n ­ d er gold edges, India paper, diam ond ty p e ........................ *074X— F rench M orocco, divinity circu it, leath er lined, red u nder gold edges, nonpareil type, In ­ dia p ap er. 0225— French M orocco, d iv in ity circu it, round co rn ers, red u n ­ d er gold edge, b rev ier type. Size 6% x4x7/16.................. .—........ 260— French M orocco, lim p, round corners, red u n d er g ilt edges, p ica type. Size 7% x5 % x % ...... 2.40 042X— P ersian M orocco, divinity circu it, leath er lined, round c o r­ ners, red u nder gold edges, ru b y type, India paper. Size 4x2 $4 x 7/16 . ......................,___...........i....... 2.50 46T— P ersian M orocco, divinity circu it, gold trim m ed, red u n ­ d er gold edges, le a th er lined, silk sewed, India p aper, b lack ­ face a m e th y st type. Size 3 % x 2% x 7 /1 6 ................ 2.50 Size 2 1/&x4....i.—............... 1.55 1.60 1.85 Size 2 % x 4 .......... 2.20 2.25 65T— French divinity circu it, round corners, leath er lined, red u n d er gold ,edges, b rev ier ty p e. lim p, leath er lined, round corners, red u nder gold edges, ruby type, In­ dia paper; 078X— P ersian M orocco, divinity circu it, leath er lined, silk sewed, red u nder gold edges, nonpareil type, India paper. Size 2 ^4x4 2.80 0282— P ersian M orocco, d iv in ity circu it, leath er lined, round c o r­ ners, red u nder gold edges', m in­ ion type. Size 4% x 3% x ^4 ......... 3.10 0384X— P ersian Morocco," lim p, leath er lined, round co rn ers, red u nder gold edges, g ilt roll, black-face type, India paper. Size 4% x 2% x% ............—...... 3.85 0385X— P ersian M orocco, divinity circu it, .leather lined, round c o r­ ners, red u n d er gold edges, b lack -face ty p e (m inion). Size M orocco, Size 6% x4x7/16 2.60 044X— P ersian M orocco, Size 4 x 2 % x 7 /l6 —. 2.65




4% x2 % x%


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