King's Business - 1921-10

“THE JEW ISH ERA ” A BI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE Jewish Prophecies Dispensational Truth Current Events Jewish Work and Workers Zionism Deeper Christian Life 50 cents per year—Sample tree. Every Believer Should Read It. THE CHICAGO HEBREW MISSION. 1311 So. Kedzie Ave., Chicago, 111. SCHOOL PINS « SEND FOR BOOK OF DESIGNS « METROPOLITAN BLDG.. LOS ANGELES t MODERN DUPLICATING DEVICES "Modern” Duplicators—Business Getters. $2.25 to $9. 50 to 75 copies from each pen.pencilor typewritten letter. No glueorgela­ tine. ,40.000 users. YOU need one. 10.days trial. Booklet Free. B.V. DURKIN, REEVES & CO., Pittsburgh, Pa. I E d w . E. S p ier J E W E L E R AND O P T O M E T R IS T E Y E S EX A M IN ED J . À M E Y E R S & C O . A J E W E L R Y - A C T O R Y S A V B THE] C H IL D R E N W in them th ro u g h th eir ey es. The M ovies are tra in in g them to look . Show them the G ospel by Object L esson s. Send 10c and g e t a sam p le p a ck et o f Object L esson s, a lso th e tra ct on ‘‘H ow to P reach to Children.” The n ew circu lar ju st ou t co n ta in in g a lis t of 45 other ob ject le s ­ son s w ill a lso be sen t. Only U. S. stam p s and m oney accepted. REV . C. H. WOOLSTON, D.D., 1242 Marlboro St., P hilad elp h ia, Pa. TH E GIDEONS th e C h ristian Comm ercial T ra v elers’ A sso cia tio n of Am erica, u rg e a ll su ch com m ercial m en to jo in them . T heir HOTEL B IBLE FUND n eed s th e finan cial a ssista n ce of a ll lo v ers o f th e W ord. The d irect resu lt o f th e B ib le d istrib u tio n is beyond com p utation, a s le tte r s te stify . Over 458,000 B ib les p laced and th ou san d s fo llo w in g each m onth. GIDEON MONTHLY MAGAZINE liv e n ew s of la ym en ’s a ctiv ity , profit­ ab le for p astors, Christian w ork ers, and b u sin ess m en, $1.00 per year to a ll. F or p a rticu la rs w rite A. B . T . Moore, N at’l Secy. 140 S. D earborn St., C hicago. 6 0 5 W e s t S ixth S t r e e t ONE BLOCK EAST OF BIBLE INSTITUTE PHONE 1 3 98 1

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