King's Business - 1921-10

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S 967 under th e w rath of God because of sin. The most effective way to improve society is to transform individual lives through presenting th e well proven doctrine of faith in th e vicarious suffering of th e divine Saviour. K. L. B. IS THIS THE TRUTH? At th e recent national assembly of th e E lks, held in Los Angeles, a high officer of the Salvation Army presented to the convention a beautiful banner on which it was stated th a t th e E lks were th e g reatest ally of th e Salvation Army in th e helping of th e poor and th e relieving of th e suffering. Where does th e church of Christ come in? Jesus Christ “w ent about doing good.” Christians are exhorted to “ follow in His steps” and to be “ rich in good works.” But are the churches carrying out th e ir appointed work? Is th a t being le ft to th e lodges? George S tuart, th e southern evangelist, some years ago was riding in a pas­ senger coach when a little child died in its m other’s arm s in a seat ju st adjoin­ ing his. He made in q u iry 'an d found th a t the parents were enroute to a d istan t city in hope of finding employment which they had long been seeking. Their funds were very low and they were fran tic over the loss of th e ir beautiful child and th e circumstances in which they found themselves. Mr. S tu a rt sta rted through th e car to raise funds for th e ir relief and had gone h u t a few seats when a gentlem an wearing a lodge pin approached him and informed him it would he unnecessary for him to trouble him self about th e m atter as h is lodge would assume full responsibility upon th e arriv al of th e couple a t th e ir destination. In speaking of th e incident Mr. S tu art said, “Has the church of Christ so long neglected its appointed work and left i t to th e lodges th a t now we are not even to he allowed to do it? ” The lodges pride themselves in outstripping th e churches. They are doing it in many cities. Many lodge men are basing th eir hopes of heaven on these good works in which they engage. I t is not th e love of Christ th a t is constrain­ ing them . They are not moved by th e Gospel bu t only by hum an itarian princi­ ples. W hat opportunities the churches are missing! M inistering to th e helpless and needy is intended to he the Christian’s entering wedge to lead souls to Christ. Will we allow th e best of these opportunities to be seized by those whose helping hand can give b u t brief assistance, and who know nothing of how to point the afflicted ones to Christ and heaven? Perhaps th e Salvation Army banner comes near stating the tru th . K. L. B. n

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of a yellow jou rnal m ight be excused for such a breach of editorial eitquette, but in th is case th ere can be h u t one of two explanations. E ith e r th e editor read h u t one sentence from Dr. Torrey’s sermon or he was bent upon pu tting him in a false ligh t before th e Presby­ terian church in which Dr. Torrey is a m inister. The editor is opposed to th e teaching of Christ’s second coming, which may possibly furnish a clue to th e situation. Dr. Torrey is quoted as saying, “The d ark e r th e n igh t gets, th e ligh ter my h e a rt gets.” It is charged th a t he re­ joices in the sinful state of society and

leading P resbyterian paper re­ cently published an editorial quoting a single sentence from a sermon by Dr. R. A. Torrey

and charging th a t th e doctor “rejoices in iniquity,” a charge th a t is ridiculous in view of th e sp iritual work which Dr. Torrey has carried on for many years. We could, by tak ing sentences ou t of th e ir setting in th is ed ito r’s magazine, m ake him appear to say things th a t were farth est from his though t and th a t would expose him to public ridicule if not th e fury of th e mob. The editor

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