King's Business - 1921-10

What Will Sa^e Religion

in These United States?

Getting Back to tke Family Altar, the Church Altar And the Altar of Sacrifice By DR. CORTLAND MYERS

see no reason for conscience, or moral law, or th e government of God in th is earth , and Russia today is in th e most perilous position of any nation in the world, unless it comes back to God. Germany in recent years got almost entirely away from anything th a t could be called real religion, and th e reports are th a t thjere is less and less of religion . in Germany as th e days go by. It makes no difference how industrious they may be, nor how they may flood th e m arkets w ith th e ir goods,-^the supreme necessity for Germany today is “back to God and religion.” And all th e nations are in th e same position, eith er more or less. In F rance recently one of th e ir senators, in a scathing speech, declared on th e floor of th e Senate, th a t the morality of F rance had gone to th e dogs. In one of th e P aris th eaters recently the King of Sweden and all his p arty rose and left th e th e a te r in disgust because of the imm orality of th e scenes de­ picted. The Senator declared th a t the streets of P aris were plastered w ith immoral posters; th a t th e women, even from th e so-called “best fam ilies” were indecently dressed; th a t unless a h alt was called, F rance would fall even as Rome fell. B u t w hat about th e United States? W ill th e conditions which have been th e downfall of other nations, bring about th e downfall of th e Uniited States? Do God’s statem ents apply to some nations and are other nations re­ lieved of responsibility? Has He made an exception of th e United States? A

people may question, religion in these United be lo st?” th e ir atti- . . JjL evidently being th a t God takes care of fools and of the United States. Is th e subject w orthy of serious con­ sideration? I th ink it is of trem endous importance. Religion h as been lost in other nations, or else degraded into something th a t is not w o rthy of th e name of religion a t all. If we read history we see th a t nations rise and fall according to the religion of th e people. If th is is true, then it is tru e th a t re­ ligion is of supreme importance in th e history of nations. If it is tru e th a t religion is of supreme importance in th e history of th e nations, th en it is tru e that religion is a question worthy of th e atten tion of the people of the United States now. The question of imm igration, or the tariff or politics is not th e question of supreme importance, bu t “Are we going to save religion?” If we don’t save re­ ligion, then we cannot save th e coun­ try. J u st glance across th e sea to th e European countries where th e Great W ar sta rted— th a t w ar th e resu lts of which we will not be rid of for th e next hundred years. Look a t Russia where m illions and millions of people are starving today. W h at passed for religion th e re was a m ixture of super­ stition and religion, apd when it came to a head, Bolshevism got th e ascend­ ancy and destroyed th e rem nants even of religion in R u ssia .' The Bolshevists

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