King's Business - 1921-10

RECRUITS WANTED for a FOUR MONTHS’ CAMPAIGN OUR GOAL THE KING’S BUSINESS In 50,000 HOMES by JANUARY 1st, 1922 This is easily possible if every subscriber will secure at least one new subscriber. Many might be able to get a dozen. WHAT DIFFERENCE WILL IT MAKE TO YOU? FIRST: You will be m aking an effort in a good cause. SECOND : You m ay, u n d e r God, be a g re a t blessing to som e hom e. TH IRD : T h ro u g h reading th e m agazine som e soul m ay be saved. (R ead testim onial to this effect on p ag e 8 8 9 .) FOUR TH : Som e y o u n g p erso n m ay b e stirred to do perso n al w o rk for C hrist. F IFTH : Som e y o u n g people m ay decide to p re p a re them selves fo r C h ris­ tian w ork. SIX TH : Som e Sunday School tea ch e r m ay g et a new vision for service. SEVENTH : Som e p a sto r m ay be set on fire fo r service, and a w hole c h u rch th ere b y revived. E IGHTH : W h atev er good results from this cam paign, th ro u g h y o u r ef­ forts, y o u will sh are in th ro u g h eternity. PRAY ABOUT THIS and feel assured we will Greatly Appreciate your efforts. Every new subscriber will receive a copy of “The Funda­ mentals containing the choicest articles from well-known writers. Send for full particulars and sample copy.

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