King's Business - 1921-10


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

2. Christ may dwell in your h earts by faith. Eph. 3:17. Christ in you th e hope of glory. Col. 1:27. Our fellowship w ith H is Son Jesus Christ. 1 John 1:3. 3. The Spirit dwelleth w ith you and shall be in you. John 14:17. The communion of the Holy Ghost. 2 Cor. 13:14. The con trite h e a rt receives One Divine Guest. Thus saith th e high and lofty One who inhab iteth eternity. I dwell w ith him th a t is of a contrite and hum ­ ble h eart. Is. 57:15. XU. The F a th e r, th e Son, and th e Holy Ghost are, each by Himself, th e supreme Jehovah an d God. 1. I am Jehovah, th y God. Ex. 20:2. Thou, Lord, a r t most high for evermore. Ps. 92:8. 2. Jehovah our God. Is. 40: 3, w ith Matt. 3:3. The H ighest. Luke 1:35. The One snpreme Lord God is o u r God forever and ever. Jehovah, our Elohim , One Jehovah. Deut. 6:4. F rom th is brief comparison which m ight be elaborated a t far g reater length, Scripture assures us th a t th e F ath er, th e Son, and th e Holy Ghost have th e same Divine attrib u tes, concur w ith a mind, and will, and h ea rt person­ ally independent, bu t unitedly harmon­ ious in th e same Divine acts, and are addressed by th e same Divine names. And fu rth er, we learn th a t our tru s t is not dispersed or confused by th is co­ equal Godhead of th e Sacred Three: bu t th a t (a way of access being opened in th e Gospel th rough th e revelation of th e F ath e r in Christ by th e Spirit) we re st on, we worship, and we love One God. ■Thus, these Three are One: or, in the language of th e first A rticle of the Church of England; “There is b u t One living and tru e God, everlasting; w ithout body, parts, or pas­ sions: of infinite power, wisdom, and goodness; th e Maker and P reserver of

all things, both visible and invisible. And in Unity of th is Godhead, th e re be Three Persons of one substance, power and etern ity ; th e F ath e r, th e Son, and th e Holy Ghost.” .$¡4. áte. ate ate GIGGLES AND TITTERS. Rev. Joseph P ark er, of London, com­ menting on th is bad habit, says, “ Gig­ gling in church is a most distressing grievance, and I hope if these lines should meet th e eyes of any guilty parties they will make them to see how ridiculous as well as sinful they appear to others. While th e giggler is un an­ noyance, th e w hisperer is no t one whit better. We cannot understand how some people "can Chatter through an en­ tire service. “T ittering is childish enough any­ where, b u t in church it is positively abom inable. “ It is n atu ra l in school girls, bu t when m et in young women of nineteen or tw enty years it is unpardonable. It is sometimes a ch aracteristic of very young men w ith incipient mustaches, who th ink they qualify themselves for manhood by affecting contempt for w hat th eir elders revere. They giggle a t anything. If they catch th e eye of an acquaintance they titte r; if a woman rises too Soon for a hymn they giggle; if a baba cries they titte r ; if some one drops a book they giggle; if th e clergy­ man coughs they titte r; if th e p late is handed to some one who puts nothing in it they giggle; if some one n ear them sings out or repeats th e responses loud­ ly they titte r; if th e choir makes a m istake they giggle. In fact, nothing is too small or insignificant to arrest th e ir notice and produce a silly giggle." ste ¿te GLEAN CHANN EL S Moody never said a g reater word th a n this— th a t God does no t seek for golden vessels, an d does no t ask for silver ones, b u t He must have clean ones.

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