King's Business - 1921-10


T H E K I N G ' S


tongues and never be confounded. H ere is th e secret: “ If any man will do His will, he shall know of the doc­ trine, w hether it be of God.” Jno. 7:17. If th ere is religious confusion in our minds, then let us quietly and honestly search our own hearts, and we will surely discover th a t we have not aban­ doned our whole life, and thoughts, and acts, and plans to the will of God. In some way we are no t w illing to do His will. As sure as we abandon ourselves to the perfect will of God, th e ligh t will shine b rig h t and clear into our sp iritual confusion, and we will know th e peace of God th a t passes all understanding. No m a tte r where our confusion lies, th e remedy is always th e same— the will of God. Are we confused about our salvation? The confusion will all end as soon as we are willing unre­ servedly to let God have His own way w ith us. The very first step toward God and salvation, is th e abandonment of our own will. And th is same giving up of our own will, will deliver us from every form of confusion th a t can possi­ bly come into our life. Are we con­ fused about th e present day teachings of fu tu re judgm ent? Have we been led to doubt th e existence of an etern al hell as God’s faith fu l servants teach it, and in our confusion are we leaning to­ w ard th e false teachings of annihila­ tion and a second chance? There is a way by which we can be positively certain which is righ t. “ If any man will do H is will, he shall know of the doctrine, w hether it be of God.” Does th e g reat fact th a t th e Lord Jesus Christ was both God and Man confuse us? Let us bring into captivity every though t of our h earts to th e obedience and to th e will of God, and all our difficulties will vanish away. Does the A dventists’ Saturday Sabbath and th e C hristian’s Lord’s Day confuse us? Are we wondering and doubting which is righ t? “ If any man will do His will, he shall know of th e doctrine w hether

I Religious

| Confusion |

By CKgs. J. Waeklte



F ever th e re were days of per­ plexity and confusion on this old earth , those days are rig h t now. The condition of re­

ligious confusion in Christendom is something fearful. The Word of God tells us th a t th e final stage of religion a t the end of th is p resen t age, will be called Babylon, and Babylon means "confusion.” ' No m atter which way you look you can see Satan preparing the h earts and m inds of men for his g reat confusion. Everywhere, in every sect and cult, and even in our P ro t­ estan t denom inations, you can see things moving fast toward th is m ighty confusion. There are many honest and sincere people who seem to be really hungry for the tru th , bu t they are so confused and perplexed w ith the m u ltitud e of religious teachings and theories th a t they do not kndw w hat to believe. One preacher says one th ing and another says ju st exactly th e opposite. They listen to different teachers, and then, w ith th eir m inds in a terrib le confu­ sion, they give it all *up. But little do they r e s iz e th a t th is is ju st what Satan is working for. S atan ’s great scheme in these perilous days is to con ­ fuse people so th a t they will lose in­ te re st in th e things of th e Lord, and neglect th eir soul’s salvation. Satan knows very well, th a t all a man needs to do to be lost is “ to NEGLECT so g reat salvation.” But th ank God, th ere is a clear and blessed way out of th is g reat and awful religious confusion. There is a way by which we can stand calm and peace­ ful am idst religion’s g reat Babel of

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