King's Business - 1921-10

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


it be of God.” Are we confused be­ cause some te ll u s we m ust live a sin­ less life, and other godly men tell us th a t all men will sin as long as they have these bodies of death? A re we w illing to give up every idea, every though t, and even our cherished ex­ periences, to th e will of God? If we are, then ligh t will surely come. Are we confused a t the peeping and m u tter­ ing of strange tongue talk ers? A re we perplexed whether it is from God or Satan? “ If any man will do His will, he shall know of th e doctrine, w hether it be of God.” Does th e g reat confu­ sion of false prophecy perplex us? Are we confused about th e coming of th e Lord? W ill He come before th e Millen­ nium or afte r th e Millennium, or will His coming be ju st sp iritu al? The will of God will clear up all these difficulties for us, and give us perfect peace, as soon as we are ready to abandon our­ selves to th a t holy will. The reason why so many people are confused today, is because they are not willing to give up th e ir ideas, th e ir theories, th e ir feelings and even th eir experiences, th a t they m ight bow w ith an unhindered h ea rt before th e per­ fect will of God. If we will do the will of God, no confusion can ever con­ found us long or separate us from our Lord, for “He th a t doeth th e will of God abideth forever.” ate ate PRAYERLESS DAYS They are too busy to pray. Time and streng th and every faculty are laid under trib u te to money, to business, to the affairs of th e world. Few men lay themselves out in g reat praying. The g reat business of praying is a hurried, petty, starved, .beggarly business with most men. St. P au l calls a halt, and lays a levy HAT th e men had quit pray­ ing in P au l’s tim e we cannot certain ly affirm. They have, in th e main, qu it praying now.

on men for prayer. P u t th e men to praying is P au l’s unfailing remedy for g reat evils in Church, in State, in poli­ tics, in business, in home. P u t the men to praying, then politics will be cleansed, business will be th riftie r, the Church w ill be holier, th e home will be sweeter. “ I exhort, therefore, first of all, th a t supplications, prayers, intercessions, thanksgivings, be made for all men; for kings and all th a t are in high p lace; th a t we may lead a tranqu il and quiet life in all godliness and gravity. This is good and acceptable in th e sight of God our Saviour . . . I desire, therefore, th a t the men pray in every place, lifting up holy hands, w ithout w rath and disputing” (1 Tim. 2:1-3, 8). Praying women and children are in­ valuable to God, b u t if th eir praying is no t supplemented by praying men, th e re will be a g reat loss in th e power of prayer— a g reat breach and deprecia­ tion in the value of prayer, great paralysis in th e energy of th e Gospel. Jesu s Christ spake a parable unto the people, telling them th a t men ought always to p ray and no t faint. Men who are strong in everything else ought to be strong in prayer, and never yield to discouragement, weakness or depres­ sion. Men who are brave, persistent, redoubtable in other pu rsu its ought ,to be full of courage, unfainting, strong- hearted in prayer.— E. M. Bounds. ate . ate DISASTROUS DOUBT A m inister, praying over a child ap­ parently dying, said “ If it be Thy will, spare.” The poor m other’s soul yearn­ ing for h er beloved, exclaimed, “ It must be H is w ill: I cannot bear ifs!” The m inister stopped. Contrary to expecta­ tion, th e child recovered. But thk, mother, afte r almost suffering m arty r­ dom by him while a stripling, lived to see him hanged before he was two. and twenty.

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